Danes je 28. april, 800. objava,
neskončno lep in polnokrven dan,
ki osvežuje kot začetek,
z vsem že pridobljenim bogastvom
in brez črvive prtljage.
Today it is 28th of April, 800th post,
infinitely beautiful and foolblooded day
that refreshes like a beginning,
with all so far acquired richness
and with wormy luggage left behind.
neskončno lep in polnokrven dan,
ki osvežuje kot začetek,
z vsem že pridobljenim bogastvom
in brez črvive prtljage.
Today it is 28th of April, 800th post,
infinitely beautiful and foolblooded day
that refreshes like a beginning,
with all so far acquired richness
and with wormy luggage left behind.
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