četrtek, 18. april 2013

Nad robom
Above the edge

Starša sta me končno peljala na Kraški rob, kjer imata ogledan rajon za občasno nabiranje špargljev.

Hm, vedela sem, da njih nabiranje ni ravno mačji kašelj, ampak da je taka (ne morem drugega reči) ... jeba, si pa vseeno nisem mislila [veliko lažje je bilo nabrati šop česna kot en sam špargelj, vam povem! :)]. No, za eno švoh večerjo smo jih le našli pa tudi razgled je bil prekrasen.

My parents finally took me to Kraški rob where they have their occasional asparagus-picking-area marked up.

Kraški rob [=Karst edge] is the border between the mainland of our country and its Istrian part. This 20 km natural rock wall divides the lower flysch area of our coast with its typical Mediterranean climate and the higher karst area with more continental influences.

We walked along the top of this edge, just a tiny part of this wild nature, and it was a wonderful view from up there; in the picture before last you can see both our port of Koper and the neighbouring Italian, Trst [=Trieste].

Hm, I have known that it is difficult to pick asparaguses, but didn’t realize that it is so damn hard to do it [it was much easier to pick some garlic :)]! Well, they we’ll do for one light dinner I guess. :)

2 komentarja:

  1. :)),so bili pa verjetno pošteno dobri ane:)

  2. Še niso bili. :) Čakamo, da se nam uspe na kup zbrat. Načrtovano je za nocoj. Bomo videli. Vem pa, da jih bom še z večjim užitkom jedla! :)


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