torek, 23. april 2013

Sladka pomladna naključja
Sweet coincidences of spring

Sem se nasmejala (in nasladkala!), ko je mami ta konec tedna naredila kar dve sladici in obe sta z mojih dveh najljubših kuharskih blogov!

Eno sem razkrinkala kar sama, ker sem isti dan zjutraj videla recept v eni od revij, za drugo pa, ko sem jo spraševala, kaj vse je dala notri, mi odvrne: ja, saj si mi ti poslala recept!

Ja, to je res, neredko ji pošljem kakšno stvar, vključno iz omenjenih blogov, ampak ker je tudi ta recept priredila malce ali pa malo več po svoje in ker je bila tortica presna in na pogled čisto taka, kakršne ponavadi dela tudi ona, mi ni zbujala sumov, da bi povezala ena plus ena.

Od kod navdih, izveste, če (posamezno) kliknete na spodnji sliki;

I smiled (and sweetened!) after seeing my mum made two desserts this weekend, both from my two favourite cooking blogs!, both Slovenian, but one of them is also in English.

I unmasked one by myself, because I saw the recipe in the newspaper earlier that morning and for the other one I asked her how it was made and she replied: but you’ve sent me the recipe yourself!

Yes, it is true, I often sent her posts from the two blogs, but since she modified also this recipe a bit or a bit more and since the cake was raw and looked just like she usually does them, too, I didn’t suspect there is was connection.

You can find out where the inspiration is from, if you (separately) click the pictures bellow:

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