četrtek, 30. maj 2013


Najbolj zvest in reden potrošnik Mirovega doma narejenega kisa, ki ga je le-ta naredil že pred kar nekaj časa iz domačih jabolk svojega prijatelja, je moj dedek. Že ničkolikokrat je primarširal s svojo steklenico, da mu ga spet dotoči, in ob tem prosil, naj mu obnovi napis na njej, narejen z alkoholnim flomastrom, ki se mu zaradi pranja sčasoma poškoduje. No, tokrat ga je Miro presenetil z novo steklenico in mnogo trajnejšim ročno vgraviranim napisom. :)

Dedkove daleč najljubše rože so nageljni, ker so slovenski simbol pa ker imajo nekaj veze s priimkom, zato nam jih, ženskim članicam družine, prinese, kadarkoli se ponudi priložnost za to. Zato jih imam rada tudi jaz.

The most loyal consumer of vinegar homemade by Miro from home grown apples he had got from his friend quite some time ago is my grandpa. He comes asking to refill his bottle regularly and to renew the writing drawn by permanent marker on the glass, because it fades a bit through time by washing the bottle. So, this time Miro surprised him with a new bottle and a much more lasting engraving words simply saying Miro’s apple vinegar. :)

Have I told you already that my grandpa’s far most favourite flowers are carnations (because they are one of our country’s symbols and they have a small connection with the surname)? He brings them to all his female relatives whenever the opportunity arises. That is why I like them to.

sreda, 29. maj 2013

Zlati čudež
A golden miracle

Kadarkoli jem med, ko se mi z žlice vrtinči v vedno manjših spiralicah in z njim rišem na maslo vzorce čipke, si rečem ej, vse to zlató so nabrale tiste luštne majhne medvedkaste čebelice, noro! in si zamišljam, kako letajo od cveta do cveta, po travnikih in gozdovih, da nam naberejo to jantarno poslastico, še vedno pa je to bogastvo zame preveliko, da bi ga popolnoma dojela, lahko se mu le čudim.

Whenever I eat honey, when it swirls down from my spoon in circles getting smaller and smaller so that I can draw lace patterns onto butter, I say to myself hey, all this was collected by those cute little teddybear-like bees, crazy! and I can imagine how they fly from flower to flower, in meadows and forests, to give us this ambery delicacy, but this richness is still way to huge for me to comprehend it completely, I can only wonder at.

[Did you know that beekeeping has an important role in our history and that honey is a part of our traditional breakfast?]

torek, 28. maj 2013

Prigode iz kraljestva pod gradom
Stories from the kingdom under the castle

Ko sva se usedla, da bi si torej privoščila kremšnito, je, lejnolej, znenada prenehalo deževati in rodilo se je prav privlačno sončno popoldne, kajpa!, zato naju je kmalu ponovno zaneslo k obali. Seveda, mraz ni pojenjal, veter pa le in tako se nisem več mogla smejati Miru z navzgor obrnjenim dežnikom. Vse skupaj se je odelo v lesketajoče zlate odtenke, ki so jih med drugim rezali tudi trije pobalinski mladički zaskrbljene mame race.

Mira je en labod prav brez sramu prosjačil za dodatno kremšnito, ki jo je nosil v vrečki, drugi se je pasel v očitno gostilni za labode, ali kako? :), jaz sem si ogledovala imena pleten, Manca in Julia sta bili ti dve na posnetkih, in se malo pojezila nad Julio, kje za vraga je izgubila drugi j, res, a bi z njim turisti zgrešili ladjico in se ne bi hoteli peljati na otoček ali kaj?, oba skupaj pa sva se spraševala, ali je klopca v jezeru posledica pravkar končanega neurja ali očitno nikoli izkoreninjenega vandalizma. Pravzaprav težko reči, kaj je hujše, vem pa, kaj je bolj žalostno in onkraj mojega razumevanja.

So, when we sat down to have a kremšnita, ohlooklook, it stopped raining and an attractive sunny afternoon was born, whatelse!, so we returned to the water again soon. Of course, it was still cold outside, but the wind stopped, so I could not laugh at Miro’s umbrella turned up any more and everything put on sparkling golden shades that were being cut also by three little mischievous troublemakers of a very concerned mama duck.

A swan shamelessly begged Miro for that extra kremšnita he had in a bag we took for home, other one was grazing in obviously a restaurant for swans [labod = swan], or what? :), I was having fun by reading names of pletnas, these in the pictures were Manca and Julia, and we both wondered about that bench in the lake, is it a consequence of just finished storm or obviously neverending vandalism. Actually it is hard to say which is worse, but I certainly know what is more sad and beyond my comprehension.

ponedeljek, 27. maj 2013

Na pragu junija
At the threshold of June

Resda so bili tile zadnji dnevi bolj aprilski, tam na Gorenjskem pa že skoraj zimski, a vseeno sva rekla (zakaj že?!) pejva na Bled na sladoled!

U, sva se pošteno uštela. Tam pod komaj vidnim gradom so samevale mize, oh, če ne bi bilo tako, kako bi se človek z veseljem póčil tja na kakšno teh teras, Miru je obračalo in na koncu celo ukrivilo dežnik, jaz sem svojo krhko marelco držala z obema rokama in se čudila, kako da je ni tudi meni, mi je pa zato privzdigovalo, a – hvala dežnemu plaščku - ne privzdignilo! :) kiklco in ko sva imela vsega dovolj, sva preklicala prestavila načrte o sladoledu in začela razmišljati raje o kremšniti in ja, ob pogledu na zasnežene gore, ki so se zdele nevarno blizu, tudi o vroči čokoladi.

It is true that these last days were more like April, actually they were more like winter already in our destination this time, but anyway, we said let’s go to Bled to have some ice cream!

Uh, what a mistake. There, under the rock with the castle which was hardly seen tables were lonely, oh, how nice it would be to sit on a terrace like this. But it was raining, the wind was turning Miro’s umbrella and it was strong enough to even bend it. I was holding mine with both hands and wondering how that it managed to stay undamaged, but the wind did try to lift my skirt though [thanks to my little raincoat - did not succeed! :)] and when we’ve finally had enough of it all, we cancelled rescheduled our plans of having an ice cream and started thinking about kremšnita instead and yes, looking at the snowy Alpine mountains that seemed dangerously close I started to dream about a hot chocolate, too.

nedelja, 26. maj 2013

Plapolajoča rumena
A fluttering yellow

Tegale prelepega rumenega šala iz indijske svile mami ni nosila že … celo večnost, pravzaprav se ga spomnim le s čudovitega posnetka, ki ga je napravil oči, kjer ji tako zelo po francosko zaplapola v vetru, ko izstopa iz avta, pa sem jo povprašala, ker, vam povem, včasih prav zahrepenim po taki sončni barvi, ki je moja že tako ali tako lepa zbirka rut in šalov do zdaj ni premogla, če ga še ima in če mi ga da. Mi ga! :)

My mum has not been wearing this gorgeous yellow Indian silk scarf since … ages, actually I remember it only from a photo taken by my dad where it lovely flutters in the wind when she is stepping out of a car – so French!, so I asked her, because, I tell you, sometimes I just yearn for a sunny colour like this one which so far has not been included in my already beautiful scarf and shawl collection, if she still has it and if I may have it. I may! :)

petek, 24. maj 2013

Tri spomladanske
Three spring ones

Mamine presne tortice so čez vse! Tale se je od vsega hudega,
zaradi temperaturnega šoka, nenapovedanega poziranja
in predvsem zaradi naših poželjivih oči, kar malo oznojila. :)
My mum’s raw cakes are above all! This one started to sweat

because of the temperature shock, the unplanned photo session
and mostly because of all craving eyes gathered around it. :)

A sem že povedala, kako močan vtis naredijo name drevesa?
Mi mahajo in me pozdravljajo. Mi rečejo nasloni se name, ko to potrebujem.
So kot stari modreci in včasih jih slišim godrnjati, tako dobrodušno seveda,
morda razpravljajo drug z drugim, a kar se mene tiče, imajo vsi po vrsti prav! :)
Have I told you already about trees and how powerful impression they leave on me?
They wave at me and say hello to me. They say to lean on them if I need it.
They are like old sages and sometimes I hear them grumbling, in a good hearted way, of course,
maybe they are discussing with each other, but as far as I am concerned they are all right! :)

Kaka dva tedna nazaj me je Miro presenetil s šopkom španskega bezga z vrta bodočega doma,
ki sem ga le par dni prej gledala in jadikovala,
kako da je bil takle čas zadnja leta že prav bohotno cvetoč in dišeč.
A couple of weeks ago Miro surprised me with a bouquet of lilac from our future home garden
I had been looking at just a few days before,
moaning how it still isn’t blooming and how late it is comparing to previous few years.

sreda, 22. maj 2013

Otroci so mala malca, psi pa ...
Kids are a piece of cake, dogs however ...

Medtem ko smo druščina zbranih proslavljali vselitev …
While a group of friends were celebrating a moving-in …

… so se otroci zlahka zamotili z igranjem na viseči mreži …
… kids were easily distracted with playing in a hammock …

… domači pes pa se je na vse kremplje trudil ostati središče sveta. :)
… and the owner's dog was trying very hard to stay the centre of the world. :)

torek, 21. maj 2013

Izgubljena v zelenem
Lost in green

S ščepcem rdeče.

With a touch of red.

ponedeljek, 20. maj 2013

Enostavna zabava
Simple fun

Ob sestričninem rojstnem dnevu so nam aperitiv postregli v zbirki malih kozarčkov, ki so se jim sčasoma nabrali s popotovanj po različnih koncih sveta, mislim, da so vsi iz evropskih držav.

Iz tega je nastal že cel hec. Vsi člani družine se vedno grebemo, kdo bo izbiral prvi, in potem primerjamo svoja namišljena potovanja. Enostavna zabava za enostavne ljudi, hm! :)

For my cousin’s birthday the aperitif was served to us in their famous collection of little glasses that were brought home from travel destinations through the years, I believe they are all just from Europe, as souvenirs.

All family members always tell stories about their favourite cities and yet unseen places, make jokes about who will choose first and comparing our imaginary journeys. Simple fun for simple people, hm! :)

nedelja, 19. maj 2013


V vsakem čudežu narave tega vesolja
lahko ponovno vstopimo v spet novo vesolje zase
in se potopimo v njegove skrivnosti.
Kje, če sploh, pridemo ven?

In every miracle of nature of this universe

we can enter to a whole new universe for itself again
and dive into its secrets.
Where, if at all, we get out?

sobota, 18. maj 2013

Komaj čakam!
Can't wait!

Miro je našel mesto za nekaj sadik paradižnika in paprike, ki jih je ponovno dobil od prijatelja. Komaj čakam, da zrastejo, sploh paradižnik – tu se še posebej vidi razlika med domačim in tistimi dokaj plehkimi iz nakupovalnih središč, ki so kot malinovec, tako razredčena sta njuna barva in okus, ki je vse kaj drugega kot bogat; kot dve popolnoma različni vrsti zelenjave.

Tale na zadnji sliki sicer ni domač, so pa zato jajca, kot ponavadi, od sosedovih kokoši, dodana pa je še bučka in popražena sončnična semena, vse po Mirovo.

Miro planted some tomato and paprika seedlings he had gotten from a friend once again. Can’t wait for them to grow, especially tomatoes – home grown tomato is so much richer in taste and colour than the ones from shopping centres, it seems like a totally different vegetable.

The one in the last picture is sadly not a home-grown one, but the eggs are, as always, from neighbour’s chickens. There is also a zucchini added and roasted sunflower seeds, made by Miro.

četrtek, 16. maj 2013

Fotografske zadrege
Photographic embarrassments

Skoraj vedno, kadar kje na sprehodu, denimo v gozdu, počepnem, da v objektiv lažje ujamem kakšno rožico, me skrbi, da bi kdo, ki me od daleč vidi, mislil, da lulam.

Ja, res, kar eno paranojo imam, namreč, se dostikrat zgodi, da ko se zatopljena v fotografiranje potem dvignem in začnem pospravljati aparat, ki je miniaturno neviden, nazaj v torbico, ki je temu primerno tudi miniaturna in se mi mota ravno tam okoli pasu, tako da izgleda kot da bi si zapenjala hlače, torej, v tistem, ko me skrbi, da bi naključni sprehajalec vse to iz daljave videl točno tako, kot NI, si mislim ojoj, ne, ne, ni tako, kot je videti! :)

No, tokrat, ko sem ravno čepela sredi travnika in ostrila tisti še čisto dojenčkast makov cvet, je en ata od daleč tulil, kaj da nabiram. Tako, da to je v redu. A ni? Ni mislil, da lulam. Khm. Pravzaprav, saj ne vem, kaj je bolje - da misli, da lulaš ali da mu rabutaš? :)

Almost every time when I am on the walk, let’s say in forest, and I crouch down to take pictures of flowers I am so worried that someone from a distance might think I am peeing.

Yes, really, I developed a sort of paranoia, namely, it happens quite often when I am pensively focused into photographing and then stand up again starting to pack my invisibly little camera back into suitably little case hanging somewhere around my waist so that it looks like I am buttoning my pants, so when I am occupied with the thought that an accidental passenger might see this from far away exactly like it is NOT, I think to myself oh oh, no, no, it isn’t like it looks like! :)

Well, this time, when I was crouching in the middle of a meadow and sharpening that beautiful poppy wannabe, there was one old man who was shouting from afar, what am I picking. So, this is alright. Is it? He didn’t think I was peeing. Khm. Actually, I don’t know what is worse – him thinking I was peeing or stealing? :)

sreda, 15. maj 2013


Zrenje v nebo in njegova spreminjanja me osrečuje in navdaja s hvaležnostjo.

Looking at the sky and its changes makes me happy and grateful.

torek, 14. maj 2013

Ogenj zunaj, ogenj znotraj
Fire outside, fire inside

Narava je najboljši pajdaš;
ima moč, da svojo lepoto,
če ji le dopustimo,
preslika v nas.

Nature is the best companion;

it has the power
to transfer its beauty into us,
if we only let it.
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