četrtek, 11. september 2014

Dan, ko je prišla jesen
The day when autumn came

Če pravijo, da je jesen tisti rahlo otožen čas, čas, ko se poslavlja nekaj tako zelo cvetočega in bohotnega, in prihaja nekaj sladko-grenkega, čas, slovesa in hkrati čas pričakovanja žetve ter s tem napovedi novega rojstva, ponovnega začetka nekje na drugem koncu kroga, potem je bil prvi dan jeseni letos zame predvčerajšnjim, ko smo se dokončno za nekaj let poslovili od sestre, ki odhaja nepredstavljivim rajskim dogodivščinam naproti.

If they say, that autumn is that slightly blue time, the time when something so very blossoming and lush is saying goodbye and something bitter-sweet is coming, the time of farewell and at the same time the season of expectation of the harvest with annunciation of a new birth, a re-beginning somewhere on the other side of the circle; then the first day of autumn this year for me was the day before yesterday when we finally said goodbye to my sister, who is leaving for a few years towards unimaginable paradise adventures.

Te zadnje tedne se je zvrstilo kar nekaj poslovilnih piknikov, zabav in obedov. Prav zadnji zadnji je bil zajtrk tistega jutra, v krogu družine, dan pred tem pa je nekje med sestrinimi zadnjimi pripravami prifrfotala še najina najboljša prijateljica, s tremi, tokrat zaradi pomanjkanja časa, ker se je ustavila na poti iz službe, kupljenimi sadno-zelenjavnimi sokovi (ena boljših mešanic, mimogrede, velikokrat tudi doma na sporedu; pesa, rdeča pomaranča, zelena, ingver), ki so že stalnica naših dozdajšnjih srečanj.

Naša miza medtem sicer ne bo samevala, okoli nje se bo naselilo drugo življenje, a me bomo ta čas nazdravljale preko ekranov. :)

The last few weeks there were plenty of goodbye-parties, picnics and meals. But the last one of them, really last, was breakfast on that very morning, in the circle of the family, and the day before my sister’s and my best friend flew by, holding three smoothies (one of the best mixtures, by the way, many times also made at home; red beet, red orange, celery and ginger), this time bought ones, because she came on her way from work, as those drinks have been a great tradition on our dates.

Meanwhile our usual meeting-table will not be lonely, there will be another life around her, but we three will continue toasting through the screens. :)

Na posnetku je ena sestrinih slik, tista, ki nama jo je podarila na poročni dan, trenutno pa se potepa na  razstavi.

Pri srcu mi je toplo, takó - jesensko toplo, ker čutim poganjanje novih življenjskih sil, tam daleč, preko oceana, in prav tako tu, kjer smo ostali vsi mi, ter si predstavljam izmenjavanje med njimi, takšno iskrivo izmenjavanje, da se bo kar bliskalo od navdušenja. Dokler spet ne združimo poti.

In the picture there is one of my sister's paintings, the one that she gave us as a gift for our wedding and it is at an exhibition at the moment.

My heart is warm, warm in an autumnly way, as I feel the power of new life forces, there, far away across the ocean, and here where we all stayed, and I imagine interchanging between the two, exchanging so lively, causing sparkles of enthusiasm. Till our paths join again.

1 komentar:

  1. Si pa vzbudila firbčka v meni s temi dolgoletnimi čezoceanskimi selitvami. Vse lepo ji želim, sestrici, ob novih začetkih, vam,,. ki ostajate tu, pa čimveč moči, zaupanja in optimizma.
    Srečno :)


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