A sem že rekla, kako zelo imam rada fige? Sem, ane, večkrat, verjetno. :) Če ne bi bilo še toliko drugih slastnih sadežev, ki jih prav tako obožujem, bi rekla, da so mi izmed vseh najljubše.
Tokrat sem nama jih postregla k pudingu iz ovsenega mleka in čia semen; torej, v mleko sem namočila semena, počakala kratek čas, da se je stvar zgostila. Zraven lahko, tako kot v običajni puding, vmešaš še druge priboljške po želji, na primer, nasekljane oreške, suho sadje itd, jaz sem malo kakava, mace in cimeta.
Have I told you how very much I like figs? I did, did I, many times, I suppose. :) If there had not been so many other delicious fruits that I adore just the same, I would have easily say they are my favourite of all.
This time I served them as a decoration on pudding made from oat-milk and chia seeds; I soaked the seeds in the milk, waited for a while, til the mixture got thick. Just like when you make an ordinary pudding you can mix in some goodies at your own choice, like chopped nuts or dried fruits. I decided for a bit of cocoa, maca and cinnamon.
Pudinge na enak način delam tudi jaz,na dnu piškoti gor sadje nato puding,ali oreščki...super zadeva :)Čudovito cvetje!