Tale posrečen polh je obiskal isto polnočnico kot midva
in jo zvito prespal ob klopi tik pred nama. Razlog za smeh. :)
This cute dormouse visited the same midnight mass as we did and curly and
This cute dormouse visited the same midnight mass as we did and curly and
cunningly slept through it by the bench just in front of us. A reason to smile. :)
Oni dan, sredi največje prednovoletne sejemske gneče, je en objokan, a zelo iznajdljiv
in pogumen fantič za rokav pocukal prav naju, da mu pomagava najti mamo. Toplo pri srcu.
The other day, in the middle of one of the most crowded evenings at New Year’s fair, one brave
The other day, in the middle of one of the most crowded evenings at New Year’s fair, one brave
and clever boy tugged us of all people to help him find his mother. Warmth in my heart.
Zimska kolekcija biserov 2014/15 na Zojinem dekolteju. Vedno zabavno. :)
A winter collection of pearls 2014/15 on Zoja’s cleavage. Always funny. :)