petek, 30. april 2010

Skoraj pozabljeno
Almost forgotten

Danes sem se prav nasmejala, ko sem naletela na fotografije ene svojih že skoraj pozabljenih zgodnjih poslikav, nekje s sredine devetdesetih.
To je bilo naročilo za rojstnodnevno darilo. Glede ideje in oblikovanja sem imela proste roke, edina »zahteva« je bila, da poslikavo naredim na pivski kozarec. Zaželeno je bilo tudi, da naj bi bilo v sproščenem stilu, po možnosti smešno.

Ob takih trenutkih se vprašam, kakšna je pot mojih poslikanih izdelkov – ali so še »živi«, kje so?


It was so funny today bumping to old photos of one of my almost forgotten early works somewhere from the mid-nineties.
This was a custom request for a birthday present. Idea and design were left pretty much to me; the only “demand” was that the painting had to be made on the beer-glass. It was also desired to be very informal, funny if possible.

At that kind of moments I often ask myself, what’s the journey of my painted works like - are they still “alive”, where are they?

četrtek, 29. april 2010

Dober začetek
Good start

Dobro sem začela - vsaka druga objava alkohol! :)
Ampak to je Sašino darilce iz Španije.

What a great start - every second post about alcohol! :)
But this is Saša's little gift from Spain.

sreda, 28. april 2010



S posebnim razlogom objavljam pesem, ki sem jo napisala leta 2002:

je kot roža,
ki cvetí, cvetí,
pod soncem žarí
se víje, obarva,
pod dežjem ljubezni
počuti se varna

žarím, žarím
od barv kipím

se smejem in plešem

vriskam in češem

norím, vrtím

v vesolju letím

pôjem in sanjam

da srečo poklanjam

delím, gorím

kot ogenj se zdim

ga ljubim, ga božam

drhti mi vsa koža

se čúdim, me mika

in gore premikam

se jočem od sreče

ljubezen me meče

cvetím, žarím

v objemu zaspim

cvetím, diším

mu nasproti drvim

oko se iskrí

v vrtincu strasti

postajam srce

šepetam njegovo ime


sládko kot pecivo


postaja že sumljivo

kot gorívo

sprejemam ga v žilo

potrebujem dotik, poljub

ljubezni obljub

da žarím, žarím

in svet spremenim

me ptica pozdrávi

mórje me zvabi

metulj me ovije

in glasba pokrije

to morajo biti čarovnije!

se dežjá ne bojim

z njim še bolj zacvetím

to so kaplje ljubezni

so biseri nežni

poslani od sonca

blagohotni brez konca

cvetím, žarím

kot marcipan se topím

sem kot otrok in on je urók

brez besed, le pogled

in slútim in čútim

ko mi vliva energije

in mi pod meglo odkrije

neskončne prerije

ljubezni poezije

mi dušo umije

in v meni vzklije

da zganjam vragolije

in me v trebuhu prijetno zvije

srce mi hitreje bije

to so čarovnije

je kot roža,
ki potrebuje žarek zlat,
da cvetí, žarí,
se v vetru vrti
je kot cvet,
ki vení, vení,
če sonca ni

žarek zlat, da živí,
saj ljubi življenje,
… če življenje si ti…
brez tebe me ni


I apologize not translating it. I wouldn’t dare. My English just isn’t good enough. It’s a love poem that I wrote in 2002 and I'm posting it today with a special reason.
But you can enjoy in the photo of a peach-tree taken earlier today.

[Korenine so otroštvo, družinska tradicija, predmeti, ki imajo posebno čustveno vrednost in dogodki, ki me zaznamujejo.
Srce je moja sedanjost, so predmeti, ki označujejo skupno življenje z mojim ljubim in dogodki, ki naju še bolj združujejo.
Če dobro pomislim, so korenine in srce eno in isto, korenine so v mojem srcu, srce pa poganja nove, sveže korenine.]


[Korenine are my roots, my childhood, family tradition; they are objects that have a special emotional value for me and events that have defined me somehow.
Srce is my heart, my present life, my ljubi, with objects which are important for our joined paths and moments that are bringing us even closer to each other.
On the second thought, the roots and the heart are basically one thing; the roots are in my heart and the heart is spreading new, fresh roots.]

torek, 27. april 2010


Utrinek z današnjega prazničnega dne,
dneva upora proti okupatorju.

Z Mirom sva se odločila, da ga izkoristiva
za delo v najinem bodočem domu.

Today we celebrated Resistance Day
(day of the uprising against the occupying forces
in the time of World War 2) in Slovenia.

Miro and I decided to use this work-free day
and do something useful in our future home.

nedelja, 25. april 2010

E-pošta s Sokotre in prvi letošnji sladoled
E-mail from Socotra and first ice cream this year

Včeraj zvečer me je razveselila e-pošta - s Sokotre! Tam se že dober teden potepa moja prijateljica Katarina in iz njenega pisma veje tako navdušenje nad tem jemenskim otokom, da sem ji kar malo nevoščljiva.
Je pa hecno, da se v teh dneh po tujini potepajo prav vse tri moje najboljše prijateljice, poleg omenjene tudi Irena, ki dopustuje na hrvaškem Pagu, in Saša, ki je mimogrede tudi moja sestra in je trenutno v Španiji. Kljub temu, da se kmalu spet vidimo, sem vseeno vesela za te novodobne komunikacije.

Medtem pa sem jaz doma. Današnjo lepo nedeljo sva z Mirom izkoristila za sprehod z Zojo. Premamil pa naju je tudi sladoled - prvi letos.

I received an e-mail yesterday evening from Socotra that made me so happy! My friend Katarina is there already for a week and she sounds so excited over that Yemen’s island in her e-mail that makes me a bit jealous.
But it’s funny though, that all of my three best friends are wandering around in foreign countries at the moment. Beside Katarina there’s Irena, who is on holidays on Croatian’s island Pag. Last but not least - and by the way also my sister – is Saša, who is travelling around in Spain. Despite the fact that we will see each other soon I’m glad that we have this modern technology to communicate.

Meanwhile I’m staying at home. Today Miro and me took advantage of this nice Sunday and went on a walk with Zoja. We were also tempted by an ice cream – first one this year.

sobota, 24. april 2010

Prenovljena spletna stran!
Redesigned web page!

Končno! Od danes naprej si lahko ogledate mojo spletno stran AVGUSTvarjanja v novi preobleki.

Prenova jo je doletela po šestih letih. In sprememba je korenita – s prejšnje bele na črno. Pravijo, da s črno prihraniš pri energiji. Torej še toliko bolje.
Stran je zdaj bolj pregledna, preprosta in z več koristnimi informacijami glede mojih slik.

Hvala, Miro, za pomoč, kot vedno!

Upam, da vam bo všeč, za primerjavo in v spomin pa objavljam slikice prejšnjega izgleda strani.


Finally! From today on you can look at my redesigned AVGUSTvarjanja web page.
After six years the old one was mature enough to retire. And the change is radical – from white to black. It’s an energy saver, they say. Even better!
The page is now more transparent, simple and with more useful information regarding my paintings.

as always thanks for your help!

I hope you’ll like it. For comparison and in memory I’m posting photographs of the old design.

petek, 23. april 2010

Pomladni prazniki in brskanje po arhivih
Spring holidays and searching through the archives

Kako lepo se zlijejo s tem prebujajočim se pomladnim časom včerajšnji dan Zemlje, prihajajoči prvomajski prazniki, prav danes pred nekaj trenutki pa je Ljubljana postala svetovna prestolnica knjige za eno leto!

Sicer pa te dni brskam po svojih arhivih (računalniških in tistih po svojih predalih), da zberem na kup fotografije vseh svojih slik na steklu. Med drugim sem naletela tudi na svoje začetke, ko sem kar nekajkrat poslikala kozarce, vaze in sklede.
Tukaj je en tak primer, zbirka štirih kozarcev-kelihov. Spomnim se, kako težavno je bilo, saj sem morala kozarec držati ves čas v roki in to še nekaj časa po tem, ko sem nanesla barvo, da se je vsaj toliko posušila, da ni stekla dol in se je lepo enakomerno porazdelila po površini.
This beautiful time of awakening spring is such a good background for days like yesterday’s Day of the Earth, the coming May Day holidays and just today, an hour ago, Ljubljana became the world capital of the book for one year!

Beside that these days I’m searching through my archives (computer ones and those in my drawers) to gather photographs of my paintings on glass. While doing it I found my beginnings – a few times I painted also some glasses, vases and bowls. Here is one such case, collection of four glasses-chalices.
I remember how difficult it was to hold them in my hand while painting, not only to finish it but quite a while after that so that the paint has dried enough and was not pouring down the glass and has evenly spread on the surface.

ponedeljek, 19. april 2010

Zvezdniška vrečka
Superstar paper bag

Danes je bil spet en čudovit sončen dan, zato sem ga izkoristila za fotografiranje. Model je bila - vrečka, ki se je obnašala zelo zvezdniško, saj dolgo ni in ni hotela pozirati, kot sem si želela. Fotografirala sem jo za svojo spletno stran AVGUSTvarjanja, ki jo že nekaj dni prenavljam. Več o tem kmalu.

Today was yet another beautiful sunny day, so I used it for a photo-shooting. The model was – a paper-bag. It was behaving like a superstar; it didn’t want to stay in the pose I wanted. I took this picture for my web page AVGUSTvarjanja, which I’m renovating for the last couple of days. More about this soon.

nedelja, 18. april 2010

Pivske steklenice kot navdih
Beer bottles as an inspiration

Na svojih slikah velikokrat upodabljam geometrične vzorce in simetrijo. Mislim, da se tu pokaže moja grafična izobrazbena podlaga, pa tudi narava tehnike slikanja na steklo s konturami me usmerja v tako likovno izražanje.
Zato bi bil tale prizor, ki sem ga ujela včeraj, prav primeren motiv za kakšno naslednjo sliko. Očarala me je kompozicija, ki je nastala iz tako banalne naprave kot je stojalo za sušenje steklenic oziroma odtekanje vode iz njih. Spet ta igra svetlobe in pa tople barve steklenic v rjavih tonih, kakršne tudi sama v zadnjih letih največ in najraje uporabljam.
Na začetku sem uporabljala močne, žive barve, s katerimi nekako nisem bila povsem zadovoljna. Do »svojih« barv sem prišla, ko sem začela uporabljati znamko drugega proizvajalca, ki ima super barvno lestvico in se lepo razlivajo, da naredijo sliko nekako mehko.

Za konec pa še pojasnilo: te steklenice je sušil moj Miro, ki se je že drugo leto zapored spravil narediti svoje pivo – malo za lastno porabo, malo pa za sorodnike in prijatelje. Če je bilo že lansko super, kaj bo šele letos!
On my paintings I usually do geometrical patterns and symmetry. I think that there my graphic education is shown and also the nature of glass-painting technique itself is directing me in such artistic expression.
That is why this scene I caught yesterday would be just the right choice for one of my future paintings. I was fascinated by composition made of such a banal thing as a stand for drying bottles is. All that game of light again and the warm colours of the bottles in brown tones, just like I mostly use in the last couple of years. On the beginning I was using strong, vivid colours, but the result didn’t please me completely. I found “my own” colours when I started to use colours from another manufacturer. They have a great colour range and the colours have just the right liquidity to make a painting sort of smooth.

And here is a short explanation for the end: these bottles were being dried by my Miro. He started to make his own beer for the second time – some will be consumped by us and the rest by family and friends. For the last years’ beer was great, what can we expect this year!

torek, 13. april 2010

Trobentice in marjetice v Jägermeistru
Primulas and daisies in Jägermeister

Nikoli se nisem spraševala, kako se naredi pijača Jägermaister, ko pa je mami te dni od nekoga dobila recept zanj in se spravila na delo, mi radovednost ni dala miru.
V posodo z žganjem in sladkorjem skozi vse leto postopoma mečeš sproti nabrane sveže sestavine, vseh skupaj je 39! Najbolj pa sem bila presenečena, da so vmes tudi take rožice, kot so navadne marjetice in trobentice!
Tole je začetek. Kaj bo nastalo, pa bomo videli in okusili novembra.

I’ve never asked myself how the Jägermeister drink is made, but when my mother received from somebody a recipe and started to work on it, I was to curious to ignore it.
You put brandy and sugar to a jar. Then slowly, through a whole year, adding freshly picked, all together 39 ingredients! But the thing that surprised me most was the fact that it includes some of such an ordinary roses as daises and primulas!
This is only the beginning. We’ll see a
nd taste what will happen till November.

ponedeljek, 12. april 2010

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli!
Hello and welcome!

Dolgo sem se upirala, zdaj pa ga imam tudi sama – svoj spletnik. In april je lep mesec za začetek - pomlad in pričakovanja, nove in sveže misli.
Tu bom objavljala utrinke vsakdana, predvsem pa predstavila svojo dejavnost – slike na steklu, ki nosijo ime AVGUSTvarjanja.

Trenutno je stran še v izdelavi, upam pa, da bo kmalu dobila želeno končno podobo.

Na fotografiji je detajl z ene mojih slik. Za pokušino!

Hvala za obisk!

For a long time I have resisted, and now I have it – my own blog. And april is a nice month to start - spring and expectations, new and fresh thoughts.Here I'll post impressions of everyday life, but mostly I'll show you my paintings on glass. They are called AVGUSTvarjanja.

At the moment this site is still under construction, but I hope it will soon be finished and gets the look and the content that I wish.
On this photo there's a detail from one of my paintings. Just for a taste.

Thank you for visiting!

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