Na koledarju imam na današnji dan narisano barčico, ki označuje prvi poletni dan in zato je za tokratno objavo več kot primeren tale motiv – pa čeprav v dežju!
Barčice je nekaj let nazaj naredil Miro, ko me je učil jadralskih pravil. Več o tem kmalu.
Today is the first day of the summer and I have it marked with a little sailing boat on my calendar. So I think that for this post there is nothing more appropriate than this motif – even if it is raining!
These little sailing boats were made some years ago by Miro, trying to teach me the sailing rules. More about this soon.
poleg tekmovalnih jadrničk je naredil tudi bóje, štartno jadrnico in čoln;
beside racing sailing boats he also made some buoys, starting sailing boat and little assisting boat:
beside racing sailing boats he also made some buoys, starting sailing boat and little assisting boat:

ni pozabil niti na puščico, ki označuje smer vetra!
he didn’t even forget to make an arrow which indicates the direction of the wind!
he didn’t even forget to make an arrow which indicates the direction of the wind!

morski polžek? / sea-snail? :)

Lepe pisane bačice. Ampak zaenkrat plavajo bolj po dežju. Upajmo, da bo kmalu spet sončno. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiEvo, pa imamo sonce! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh, I luv these!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove his boats. I love colouful sails. I added yoru blog to my fav blogs on my links :) I really like visiting you, cheers, Lisa
OdgovoriIzbrišiAbout these beautiful colourful sails: he obviously did everything to motivate me :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnd thanks so much, Lisa, to list me on your blog-list! - and I officialy became your follower :)