torek, 15. junij 2010

Korenine in srce
Roots and heart


Ste opazili podnaslov mojega spletnika:
od korenin do srca?

Že od samega začetka imam v mislih serijo objav, ki bodo imele oznako bodisi
Korenine ali Srce.

Koreninah bom objavljala vse, kar se tiče mojega otroštva, družinske tradicije; skratka predmetov, ki imajo zame posebno čustveno vrednost in dogodkov, ki so me nekako zaznamovali.

Srcu pa bo po enakem kopitu vse, kar je povezano z mojo sedanjostjo, s predmeti, ki označujejo skupno življenje z mojim Mirom in dogodki, ki naju še bolj združujejo.

Če dobro pomislim, so korenine in srce eno in isto, korenine so v mojem srcu, srce pa poganja nove, sveže korenine.

Danes, na obletnico smrti mojega pradedka po mamini strani, ki je izdeloval krtače, začenjam s
Koreninami. Ker zelo cenim stare obrti in predvsem danes tako redke ročno izdelane predmete, mi veliko pomeni, da imam nekaj teh njegovih krtač tudi sama.


Have you noticed the subtitle of my blog:
od korenin do srca (“from my roots to the heart”)?

All from the start I had in mind a series of posts with a label
Korenine (The roots) or Srce (The heart).

Korenine I’ll post everything regarding my roots, family tradition, childhood, and so on - shortly: the objects that have a special emotional value for me and events that have defined me somehow.

The same structure will be in
Srce series, with exception that there will be everything regarding my present life, my heart, my Miro, with objects which are important for our joined paths and moments that are bringing us even closer to each other.

On the second thought, the roots and the heart are basically one thing; the roots are in my heart and the heart is spreading new, fresh roots.

Today, at the anniversary of death of my great-grandfather (on my mother’s side), I’m starting with
Korenine. He manufactured brushes and because I cherish old crafts and above all today so rare handmade objects it means a lot to me to own some of them.

največjo vrednost ima mala krtača, ki mi jo je naredil za darilo ob mojem rojstvu, z mojima inicialkama;
the most valuable brush for me is the one, which he made me for a gift at my birth, with my initials:

vse pradedkove krtače, ki jih imam za spomin (eno med njimi je Miro lani dobil v dar od mojega dedka, ki hrani krtače svojega očeta);
all great-grandfather’s brushes that I have (one of them is actually Miro’s; he got it last year as a gift from my grandfather, who kept remained brushes from his father):

pradedek med izdelovanjem krtač;
great-grandfather making brushes:

nekaj fotografij pradedka in mene s sredine sedemdesetih; umrl je, preden sem dopolnila 3 leta;
few photos from mid seventies of my great-grandfather and me; he died before I was 3 years old:

Nove oznake »korenine« in »srce« bom dodala tudi dvema starima objavama: Čarovnijam in Perspektivi, ki bi ju pravzaprav morali imeti.


I will add those new labels “korenine” and “srce” also to two old posts: Čarovnije and Perspektiva that should also have them actually.

8 komentarjev:

  1. Z veseljem bom brala tvoje srce in korenine. :) Kako lepo, da imaš za spomin pradedkove krtače.

  2. What a great tribute to your grandfather, sweetie :)

    I wish you a beautiful day.

  3. How cool that you are remembering your grandfather in such a great way! Great blog too doll ;) xoxo

  4. Hvala vsem trem, thanks to all of you!

    Taj Acosta: Nice to meet you and your beautiful fashion-journey. And welcome! :)

  5. "od korenin do srca" in my language goes like this: "od korzeni do serca" ;) incredible how our languages have in common, isnt it?

    nice idea to write about ur roots and background. i like cultural stuff :)

  6. Sara: thank you!

    Titania: yes, some words are for sure very alike, but I don't dare to rely on that since by my experiences many of them have just the opposite meaning - and that can be very dangerous, hehe!


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