Zaradi neprimernega vremena je dogodek prestavljen na naslednji vikend: 25. - 27. junija!
Ta vikend bo v Trebnjem v organizaciji balonarskega kluba Letimo potekalo balonarsko srečanje.
Ker je v tem klubu eden od pilotov tudi Miro, vabim vse, ki bi si radi ogledali nebo polno pisanih balonov, da izkoristite lepo priložnost.
Vremenska napoved ni najboljša, pa vendar - upanje umre zadnje! :)
Due to bad weather conditions the event is rescheduled to the next weekend: June 25th - 27th!
There’s going to be a balloon meeting in Trebnje this weekend, organised by balloon club Letimo.
Since Miro is one of the pilots of the club I’m inviting all of you who want to see the sky full of colourful balloons to take this opportunity.
The weather forecast is not very optimistic, but we hope for the best! :)
Miro je poskrbel za celotno podobo dogodka - pokala že čakata na zmagovalca;
Miro took care for the visual look of the event - cups are already waiting for winners:

ilustracijo za logo balonarskega srečanja je naredila moja sestra;
illustration for logo of the meeting was made by my sister:

njihov balon št. 1 / their balloon no. 1:

nad Ljubljano / above the capital - Ljubljana:

se spominjate moje objave o Rožniku?
remember my post about Rožnik-hill and its church?

drugi balon nekje nad dolenjskimi griči;
second balloon over hills of Dolenjska region:
(foto/photo: Saša Šušteršič)

to fotografijo sem posnela lani poleti v Žužemberku;
I took this photo last summer in Žužemberk:

It would be amazing... no, THRILLING to go up in a hot air balloon. I would be terrified though :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPlease come join my *Cupcake Challenge*, I promise it will be loads of fun!!