Predstavljam novo sliko AVGUSTvarjanj.
Naročilo zanjo sem dobila pred nekaj tedni, takoj po tistem, ko sem pisala o PST in Barju. To je bilo spet eno tistih zanimivih naključij, ki se vsake toliko časa zgodijo. Naročnica namreč ni nič brala o tem na mojem blogu.
Sliko želi podariti prijateljici, ki se je iz Ljubljane preselila nekam na Gorenjsko. Želela je, da upodobim PST ali barje, saj je to predel Ljubljane, kamor sta skupaj zahajali na sprehode.
Slika brez okvirja je velika 30x40 cm.
I’m posting my new AVGUSTvarjanja painting.
I took an order to paint it right after I was writing about PST and Barje. This was once again one of those interesting coincidences that happen from time to time. The person who ordered it has not read my blog.
She wants to give this painting to a friend at her move out from Ljubljana to Gorenjska region. She wanted me to paint something about PST or Barje, since these are the parts of Ljubljana they were going on a walk together sometimes.
The painting's dimensions (without the frame) are: 30x40 cm.
nastajanje / while painting it:

spodaj sem naslikala rogoz, ki ponazarja Ljubljansko barje in z njim Ljubljano, od koder se je odselila;
at the bottom I painted rushes which indicate Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana’s marshes) and Ljubljana from where she has moved:
at the bottom I painted rushes which indicate Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana’s marshes) and Ljubljana from where she has moved:

zgoraj sem s pikicami nakazala Triglav, ki simbolizira Gorenjsko, njen novi dom;
on the top I stylized with little dots our highest mountain Triglav which represents our Alpine world as a symbol of Gorenjska region – her new home:
on the top I stylized with little dots our highest mountain Triglav which represents our Alpine world as a symbol of Gorenjska region – her new home:

moj znak / my sign:

oboje povezuje PST, pot, ki bo ostala simbol njunega prijateljstva ne glede na razdaljo, ki ju ločuje;
the PST-path connects these two places and is a symbol of their friendship, which will last no matter the distance:
the PST-path connects these two places and is a symbol of their friendship, which will last no matter the distance:

klopice ob poti in med njimi zvezde nakazujejo, da gre za PST;
little benches along the pathway and stars between them indicates that this is PST;
little benches along the pathway and stars between them indicates that this is PST;

Super interpretacija!
OdgovoriIzbrišiwhat a neat and beautiful painting and great pictures :) well-done!
OdgovoriIzbrišiUau. Prečudovito!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala vsem, thanks to everyone!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAndreja: Dobrodošla! :)