Bi se radi pridružili
virtualnemu popotovanju okoli sveta
(The Virtual World Tour),
ki ga organizira Diana iz OneCraftyFox?
Zdi se mi super zabavna ideja.
Diana obiskuje svoje prijatelje po vsem svetu
in danes gostuje pri meni, v Sloveniji!
No, vsaj virtualno. :)
Would you like to join
The Virtual World Tour
that Diana of OneCraftyFox organizes?
It’s such a fun and original idea.
She is visiting her friends all over the world
and today she is having a great time here,
in Slovenia,
at least virtually! :)
Za obisk pri meni je izbrala
tole simpatično kolekcijo;
For visiting me she chose
this lovely collection:

Zoja je obiska tako vesela,
da bi tudi ona rada nekaj povedala;
Zoja is so happy about the visit
that she wants to say something too:
da bi tudi ona rada nekaj povedala;
Zoja is so happy about the visit
that she wants to say something too:

Hvala, thanks, Diana! :)
Thanks so much for the shout out! Glad Zoja could join us, I'll have chef set up a plate of gourmet doggie food :)
OdgovoriIzbriši:)) - Such a luck that she can't hear you! :)