Odkar pomnim sem bolj zaspane sorte. Kljub temu, da obožujem lepe jutranje razglede, nisem tip človeka, ki ne bi imel problemov z vstajanjem.
Moji dnevi se začenjajo počasi, vendar ko dobim hitrost, se težko ustavim. Najraje ustvarjam v poznih urah. Ja, sem nočna ptica in tu nastane začaran krog! :)
Since I remember I was more sleepy kind of a person. I adore beautiful morning’s views, but I have lots of problems getting up early.
My days start slowly, but when I get the speed through the day I can’t be stopped easily. My best hours for creating are usually late at night. Yes, I’m a night bird. And there is the magic circle! :)
dokaz, ki potrjuje zgoraj napisano, iz časov tik preden sem postala šolarka – medtem, ko me mami češe, jaz niti ne vem zase;
a proof from my preschool period that confirms what is written above – while my mother combs my hair I am not even aware of myself:
a proof from my preschool period that confirms what is written above – while my mother combs my hair I am not even aware of myself:

[Korenine so otroštvo, družinska tradicija, predmeti, ki imajo posebno čustveno vrednost in dogodki, ki me zaznamujejo.
Srce je moja sedanjost, so predmeti, ki označujejo skupno življenje z mojim ljubim in dogodki, ki naju še bolj združujejo.
Če dobro pomislim, so korenine in srce eno in isto, korenine so v mojem srcu, srce pa poganja nove, sveže korenine.]
[Korenine are my roots, my childhood, family tradition; they are objects that have a special emotional value for me and events that have defined me somehow.
On the second thought, the roots and the heart are basically one thing; the roots are in my heart and the heart is spreading new, fresh roots.]
cute blog
Hehe! Luštna fotka. :)))
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for visiting my blog and for "kjut" comment, Naveen! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTebi tudi, Nataša, za "kjut" komentar :)