petek, 30. september 2011

Poletne počitnice jeseni 2
Summer vacation in autumn 2

[nadaljevanje prejšnje objave / continuation of previous post]

... dobra morska hrana, občutek brezskrbnosti, prijazni ljudje,
zlizan kamen, šopki rožmarina, nenavadna pisava


… delicious sea food, feeling of carelessness, kind people,
old street stones, bouquets of rosemary, strange alphabet

Krk. (island in Croatia)

četrtek, 29. september 2011

Poletne počitnice jeseni 1
Summer vacation in autumn 1

Razlogi za mojo kratko odsotnost so zelo opravičljivi in veliko jih je: 
veter v laseh, metanje v valove, sol na koži, noge v pesku, znosna vročina,
simpatične ozke uličice, predrzni galebi, vonj po sivki…


Reasons for my short absence are very justified and there are many:
wind in the hair, throwing yourself into the waves, salt on the skin, bearable heat,
cute narrow little streets, bold seagulls, scent of lavender…

Krk. (island in Croatia)

petek, 23. september 2011

Popotniško-ljubezenska prepletanja
Travel and love interlacing

Večinoma korziški rojstnodnevni večer pri bratrancu se je izbrano prepletal s pariškimi utrinki,
AVGUSTvarjanja pa so ob tej priložnosti njegovo začetnico prepletla z začetnico njegove najdražje.

Mostly Corsican style birthday evening at my cousin smoothly interlaced with some Parisian glimpses
and for that occasion AVGUSTvarjanja interlaced his initial with the one of his darling.

četrtek, 22. september 2011

Tik pred vstopom v jesen
Just before entering fall

Prenovljena gostilna Mrežar,
zdaj tudi kavarnica in hostel, na obrobju Ljubljane,
me je očarala z že jesensko obarvanim gozdom in razvajala z odlično rižoto z jurčki.

I had the most delicious risotto with porcini in the shelter of already autumn-coloured woods
in recently renewed gostilna Mrežar, from now on also café and a hostel
in the outskirts of Ljubljana.

sreda, 21. september 2011

Za nocoj
For tonight

Za nocoj ena najlepših pesmi ene mojih najljubših pevk;

For tonight one of the most beautiful songs from one of my favourite singers:

torek, 20. september 2011

Staro, na novo oživljeno
Old, newly revived

Vintage. Te besede ne maram. No, ne same besede, ampak njenega pretiranega uporabljanja na vsakem koraku. Kot da ne bi starinske stvari obstajale že prej. In starinski videz.

In prav zaradi nemarnega svaljkanja te besede povsod in brez prestanka, se s prijateljicami že malo norca delamo. Si na primer rečemo: O, kako si vintič!
In še užaljena ne moreš biti, saj je beseda ja tako in. :)

Ker z Mirom nimava dovolj denarja za kakšen dober nov avto, sva se domislila, da sva vendarle frajerja, saj sva koneckoncev lastnika vintičnega. :) Pustimo malenkost, da če bi bil res tako zelo star, bi bil še dražji, ampak tolažba je pa vseeno.

Kakorkoli, od nekdaj sem imela rada stare stvari, predvsem če so dragi spomini na moje najbližje.

Tale prelep kristalni vrč iz Rogaške nama je letos za rojstni dan poklonil dedek. Od njega, pravzaprav od babice, imam tudi kup teh kuhinjskih krp, ki so mi tako zelo všeč.

Krasno rdeče žarečo vazo pa sem si izbrala pri mami, v originalu je bila od babi po očijevi strani in ravno zadnjič sem videla eno staro fotografijo s to vazo v ozadju.

Vintage. I don't like the word. Well, I don’t like excessive usage of it at every step. Just like the old things and old look are some new invention.

And because of the careless rolling of the word everywhere and all the time, my girl-friends and I are making jokes about that. For example we say to each other: Oh, you’re so vintage!
And yet you can not be offended, as the word is so in. :)

Because Miro and I don’t have enough money to buy ourselves a proper new car, we made a consolation out of that fact: we consider ourselves very cool, as we own a vintage car. :) Leave beside a tiny little fact that it would be even more expensive if it was really that old.

But anyway, I've liked old things for as long as I remember, especially if they have an emotional value.

This gorgeous crystal mug from Rogaška was given to us for our birthdays by my grandpa. His, or better my grandma’s, were also these dish cloths that I like so much.

Beautiful red vase I got from my mum, but originally it once belonged to grandma by my father’s side and I just saw it the other day on one of her shelves in an old photo.

ponedeljek, 19. september 2011

Odeja za hrošča na primer
Blanket for a bug for example

Zadnja leta sem vedno bolj pogrešala znanje šivanja, pletenja, kvačkanja in vezenja, zato sem se zdaj odločila, da se kar vpišem na tečaj k mami. :)

Tole je moje prvo kvačkanje nasploh!

Za prvi projekt sem si predstavljala kakšne lepe rokavičke, zdaj, ko vstopamo v jesen, bi bile kot naročene, ali pa…

Bova najprej samo malo vadili, pa potem to razparali.

Ni problema, si mislim, ko pa vidim svojo umetnino, hm, se mi je milo storilo in sem začela delati plane o tem, kako bi bila tole lahko primerna odejica za kakšnega zmrzljivega hrošča… :)

Dobra stvar: [po pričakovanjih] ko sem približno osvojila zankanje, kar nisem in nisem mogla odložiti kvačke.

Slaba stvar: [ki ni zares slaba] pozabila sem, kako zna biti mami dosledna pri poučevanju. Ena izpuščena zanka (še vedno ne vem, kako mi je ušla), pa gresta v maloro celi dve vrstici, na kateri sem bila tako ponosna.

Imeli sva se fino, vsaj potem, ko sem lahko hkrati delala in govorila. :)

I've been missing knowledge of sewing, knitting, crocheting and embroidery more and more for the past few years, so now I made a decision and signed up for a course at my mum’s. :)

This is my first crochet ever!

For the first project I was thinking about gloves maybe, as we’re just about to enter the autumn, or maybe we could…

We’ll just practice a bit for a start and then we’ll take it apart again.

No problem, I think to myself, but when I see my masterpiece, hm, I get sentimental and start making plans about how cute blanket this would be for some freezing bug maybe… :)

Good thing: [as expected] I just couldn’t stop when I got on a taste.

Bad thing: [that is not really bad] I forgot how strict she can be when it comes to preciseness at learning. I missed one little loop (still don’t know how it happened) and there go two whole rows, I was so proud of, goodbye.

We have had such a fun time, at least after I was able to work and talk at the same time. :)

nedelja, 18. september 2011

Vikendaški utrinki med skicami in čačkami
Weekend randoms between sketches and doodles

Ročka za steklenice, ki mi jo je za rojstni dan sešila mami.
Življenje je zdaj mnogo lažje. To ni hec! :) [slika 1]

Lonca danes ni bila preveč navdušena nad poslabšanjem vremena. [slika 3]

Šitake z modroplesnivim sirom, popečene na maslu in položene na solato. [slika 5]

My mum sewed me this beautiful bottle holder for my birthday a while ago.
Life is so much easier now. This is not a joke! :) [picture 1]

We have a beautiful and very hot late summer here this year, but today some raindrops fell
and Lonca wasn’t over excited about that. [picture 3]

Shiitake with blue cheese, fried in butter and put onto lettuce. [picture 5]

petek, 16. september 2011

Prihajajoča razstava, izgubljena keramika in ugoden polet
Upcoming exhibition, lost ceramics and favorable flight

Na pripravljalnem sestanku za sestrino slikarsko razstavo, kjer sem najeta kot njena hišna oblikovalka :), nam je delala družbo njena sveže prispela keramična kolekcija [slika 2], iz katere je tudi nama podarila en čudovit postrežni krožnik.

In, ja, preden vprašate, to njeno delo je s prav tistega lepega majskega dne, ko sva obe imeli možnost poslikati najrazličnejše posode, le s to razliko – seveda, kako pa drugače! :) – da se je moja kolekcija baje nekam založila. Hm. :) Kljub temu ostajam optimistična, še bolj pa radovedna, kaj je nastalo.

vsi, ki si želite poleteti v nebo, to jesen nikar ne zamudite cenovno ugodnejše priložnosti:
festivalski polet DP2011. [slika 1 - s tega dne]

At the preparatory meeting for my sister’s painting exhibition, where I’m hired as her personal designer :) we were enjoying the company of her freshly arrived ceramic collection [picture 2], of which she gave one gorgeous serving plate also to us.

And, ja, before you ask, this work of her is from the very same beautiful day in May, when both of us had the opportunity to paint a wide variety of dishes, with a tiny little difference – of course, what else! :) – that my collection is declared missing. Hm. :) In spite of all I’m keeping my spirit optimistic and above all I’m very curious how it all turned up.

By the way,
if you want to fly up to the sky and you’re accidentally in Slovenia :), here’s an autumn opportunity for you: festival flight DP2011. [picture 1 - from that day]
(Sorry, it's only in Slovenian.)

četrtek, 15. september 2011

Miška na lesu
Mouse on a wood

AVGUSTvarjanja so s podobo miške in tipkovnice na lesu
čestitala novopečenemu inženirju multimedije,
ki nas je temu v čast angelsko razvajal.
Ja, vem, vem, padam na lepe prostore s prijetnim vzdušjem, ki dajo dobri hrani še piko na i! :)

AVGUSTvarjanja congratulated to brand new multimedia engineer
with an image of a mouse and a keyboard on a wood
and the young man was spoiling us with an angel food.
Ja, I know, I know, I’m such a sucker for beautiful places with pleasant atmosphere which make a good food even better! :)

sreda, 14. september 2011

Mesarski most
Butcher's Bridge

Že ko sem gledala posnetke ali poslušala opise od drugih, sem vedela, da mi bo všeč,
ko pa sem se končno tudi sprehodila čezenj, sem se zaljubila vanj!

Mesarski most - tako lepo povezuje življenje na obeh bregovih
in z Brdarjevimi dramatičnimi skulpturami je vse skupaj prava zgodba.

Najbolj zanimivo pa je, da sem samega spoštovanega gospoda kiparja
videla malo pred tem istega dne. :)

I knew already when I watched photos and listened to descriptions of others that I will like it,
but when I finally walked across it I fell in love with it!

Mesarski most (Butcher’s Bridge) in Ljubljana – it links lives on both banks of the Ljubljanica river so nicely
and together with those dramatic sculptures of Jakov Brdar it is all turned into a real story.

But the interesting part of all this is, that I saw the very same
respected mister sculptor himself a bit earlier the same day. :)

[the last photo is taken from Tromostovje (Triple Bridge) not far from the first one;
and in the 5th picture you can see Zmajski most (Dragon Bridge) in the background]

torek, 13. september 2011

Srednjeveška gospa v belem
Medieval lady in white

Ti posnetki so z nedeljskega srednjeveškega sejma v Ljubljani. Dogajanja je bilo na pretek, prodajalci prijazno klepetavi, ampak moje oči so se zataknile na eni zelo elegantni gospe, oblečeni v belo.

Obžalujem le, da sem jo zaradi nadvse napetega srednjeveškega vzdušja, začinjenega z zabavnimi meddružinskimi spletkami na sredi trga :), pozabila vprašati za ime. Od nog do glave je bila odeta v svoje čudovito pletenje in kar nisem se je mogla zadosti nagledati. Bila je dihjemajoča! [zadnja slika]

These photos are from Sunday’s medieval fair in Ljubljana. There was so much going on, the sellers were charmingly chatty, but my eyes were caught by the most elegant lady, dressed all in white.

My only regret is that because of a real tense medieval atmosphere and some fun interfamilial intrigues in the main performance square :) I forgot to ask that lady for her name, as she was dressed up in her own gorgeous knitting from head to toe. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was breathtaking! [last picture]
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