Že ko sem gledala posnetke ali poslušala opise od drugih, sem vedela, da mi bo všeč,
ko pa sem se končno tudi sprehodila čezenj, sem se zaljubila vanj!
Mesarski most - tako lepo povezuje življenje na obeh bregovih
in z Brdarjevimi dramatičnimi skulpturami je vse skupaj prava zgodba.
Najbolj zanimivo pa je, da sem samega spoštovanega gospoda kiparja
videla malo pred tem istega dne. :)
I knew already when I watched photos and listened to descriptions of others that I will like it,
but when I finally walked across it I fell in love with it!
Mesarski most (Butcher’s Bridge) in Ljubljana – it links lives on both banks of the Ljubljanica river so nicely
and together with those dramatic sculptures of Jakov Brdar it is all turned into a real story.
But the interesting part of all this is, that I saw the very same
respected mister sculptor himself a bit earlier the same day. :)
[the last photo is taken from Tromostovje (Triple Bridge) not far from the first one;
and in the 5th picture you can see Zmajski most (Dragon Bridge) in the background]