Trije umetniki, oblikovalec, slikar in arhitekt, ki združujejo svoja izražanja pod imenom CYP2C9, so tokrat soočili umetnost in denar.
Na sinočnji otvoritvi zanimive razstave, ki je simbolično zamenjala njeno zaprtje v, pomenljivo, prostorih Ekonomske fakultete, me je najbolj navdušil abak, ki je nazorno pokazal, kako kruto smo vsi ujeti v tem denarnem svetu, ki računa z glavami. Natančno in hladno se denar le meša in ne ustvari nove vsebine.
Seveda pa bi bilo tako enostavno okriviti denar. Denar bi lahko bil vrednota. Lahko bi bil celo umetnost, če ga ne bi razvrednotile glavne glave, ki glavarijo na tem starodavnem računalu.
In umetnost? Umetnost ne potrebuje računala, noče biti ujeta med prečkami dolgočasne preračunljivosti, potrebuje pa svobodne glave s srcem.
Three artists, a designer, a painter and an architect, who join together their expressions under the name CYP2C9, this time decided to confront art and money.
At last night’s interesting exhibition in the Faculty of Economics, where the closing was symbolically replaced with its opening, I was most impressed by the abacus. It clearly showed how cruelly we are all trapped in this world of money, which calculates with heads. The money just mingles on the most precise and cold way and it does not create any new content at all.
But of course, it would be so much easier to blame it on the money. The money could be a value. It could even be an art, if the headest heads would not head-around this ancient calculator.
And the art? The art does not need the calculator, it does not want to be caught between these bars of calculative dullness, but it does need free heads with hearts.
všeč mi je tole razmišljanje o denarju kot vrednoti in o glavnih glavah...