Nekoč mi je začetek novega šolskega leta pomenil uživanje ob ovijanju zvezkov v raznobarvne papirje [slika 1], vonj po ošiljenih novih svinčnikih in barvicah in svežem jutranjem zraku na poti v šolo, ko sem bila oblečena v mamine in babičine šiviljsko-pletilske mojstrovine, danes pa predvsem nostalgično listanje po starih zvezkih in nasmihanje ob prostih spisih, narekih in slovničnih napakah [slika 2], bodisi popravljenih s strani tovarišice, ali pa tistih, ki so se nesramno razkrile celemu širnemu svetu, ko so učinki »brisalca« popustili. :)
Ob prelistavanju enega od zvezkov prvega razreda mi je ena boljših risba Bojana Križaja [slika 3] :), saj je bilo to ravno obdobje njegovih prvih uspehov, ne zaostaja pa niti avtoportret [slika 4], ki je bila ena prvih domačih nalog. Še vedno se spominjam tistih oblačil in torbe!
Neznansko všeč pa mi je pisateljski-minimalizem na risbi ptičje krmilnice [slika 3]. :)
Spomnim se, kako smo v prvi polovici leta zbirali štampiljke (kasneje smo že imeli ocene). Če je bila naloga uspešno opravljena, si dobil zvezdico, za pet zvezdic čebelico, za pet čebelic konjička in ob posebnih priložnostih še kaj drugega.
Morda sem kaj pomešala, vem samo, da smo bili nori zbiratelji in smo jo shecali, da nam je ob koncu leta vsem poštempljala zadnjo stran z vsemi, ki jih je imela [slika 5]. :)
Čudoviti spomini!
When I was a child, the beginning of a school year meant to me enjoying at wrapping notebooks in colourful papers [picture 1], a smell of sharpened pencils and crayons and breathing fresh morning air on the way to school, dressed into mum’s and grandma’s sewing and knitting masterpieces.
But today it mostly means nostalgic flipping through old notebooks and smiling at my first essays, dictations and grammar mistakes [picture 2], those corrected by the teacher and those that shamelessly revealed to the whole wide world after an effect of the corrector disappeared. :)
By going through the pages of one of these first grade notebooks the drawing of Bojan Križaj [picture 3] seems the coolest to me. :) He was one of our best alpine skiers at the time and we were all euphoric with his successes.
I also like (funny-like) my self portrait [picture 4], which was one of our first home works. I still remember those clothes and the school bag!
But above all I like the writing-minimalism that I used in the bird-house drawing [picture 3]. :)
I remember, how we collected stamps in the first half year (later we had grades already). If the assignment was done alright you got a star, at five stars you got a bee, at five bees you got a horse and at the special occasions even something else.
Maybe I mixed something, but the fact is that we were crazy little stamp collectors and at the end of the year we tricked her into stamping our last pages of the notebooks with all that she had [picture 5]. :)
Wonderful memories!
S tem prispevkom si obudila tudi moje spomine. Lepe spomine!