Ko sem bila stara 10 let, nam je tovarišica na začetku šolskega leta rekla, naj narišemo gozd, ki smo ga videli skozi okna na bližnjem hribu.
Malo začudeno smo se spogledali - pha! kakšna enostavna naloga je to - saj je bil to čas, tako kot zdajle, ko se krošnje še niti niso jesensko obarvale.
Ko pa smo jih pobarvali nekaj, nas je ustavila in nam dala eno od lekcij, ki so mi najbolj ostale v spominu. Rekla je, naj dobro pogledamo gozd, in bomo videli, da je v njem mnogo več odtenkov zelene kot samo ena.
At the beginning of a new school year when I was 10 years old a teacher told us to draw the forest on the hill that we saw from our windows.
We looked at each other with surprise in our eyes and we were all thinking - phew! what an easy task this is - as it was the time like this, when the tree-crowns didn’t get their autumn colours yet.
But when we coloured a few crowns she stopped us and then I got one of the lessons that stayed till now. She said to us, that we should look at the forest again and we’ll see that there are more shades of green in there than just one.
A good lesson, a lovely painting and a warm souvenir!...:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSredi gozdov sem doma in prav slabo vest sem zdaj dobila... Kako malo časa, tistega pravega, jim namenjam. Saj veš, kar tako - da posediš na balkonu in samo dihaš, gledaš in misliš zeleno...
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you! You just love this kind of memories, don't you! :)
To si lepo povedala. Si me pripravila, da sem ravnokar pogledala taisti gozd! :)
Yes, dear, I do!:) And I keep similar paintings, sketches and notebooks from the time I was a schoolgirl many, many years ago...
OdgovoriIzbrišiVeš da se spomnim da smo nekaj takšnega tudi mi delali☺
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou're my kind of girl! :)
Ej, ne bi se čudila, če sva isto šolsko klop gulili, glede na majhnost Slovenije. :)
Pa vem, da si tudi z gorenjskega konca LJ. :)