torek, 22. november 2011

Nakvačkani trenutki
Crocheted moments

[vse slike / all images: SANDRA JUTO]

Ob podobi ene Sandrinih najljubših fotografij, tiste s čebulo, premišljujem, da je bil moj vstop v njen e-dom prav tak – postopen. Počasen v najboljšem pomenu te besede. Njen svet sem odkrivala plast za plastjo, dokler se nisem zavedla, da sem zakvačkana. :)

Rada se pridružim njenim pohajkovanjem po berlinskih ulicah in se nasmejem tistim posrečenim pojavam, delu njenih rok, ki plezajo po vseh kotičkih njenega stanovanja in ji ne dajo miru niti pri pitju kave.

Zgodba zase pa so njene brezprstne rokavice, Wrist Worms, kot jih imenuje, v katerih se prepletajo tudi niti vsakdanjega življenja, vseh tistih drobnih utrinkov, ki jih sproti skoraj po dnevniško zapisuje s sliko in besedo in velikodušno deli z nami.

Poglej, za temi vrati se skriva topel dom Sandre Juto!

[iz drugega sklopa blogov, izbranih po tem kopitu]

Looking at one of Sandra’s favourite photos, the one with an onion, I’m thinking about my entering into her e-home, because it was just like that – gradual. It was slow in the best sense of the word. I’ve been discovering her world layer after layer, until I realized I was crocheted into it. :)

I like to join her wanderings across streets of Berlin or I smile at those cute characters, a work of her hands, that climb all over her apartment and don’t leave her alone even when drinking coffee.

A story of its own is her fingerless gloves, Wrist Worms, as she calls them. There are threads of everyday life weaved in them, all those little moments that she keeps generously sharing with us in words and pictures in journey-like style.

Look, behind this door there’s Sandra Juto’s warm home!

[from second series of blogs chosen this way]

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