Danes zjutraj, ko sem ob čaju prebirala časopis, sem se bolj kot temu, kaj je Garfield tokrat ušpičil, nasmejala Mirovem pripisu, ki je časopis bral malo pred mano in ki je velik oboževalec tega nagajivega mačka ravno zaradi obojestranske obsedenosti z lazanjo.
Today morning, when I was having my cup of tea at reading newspaper, there was one thing I laughed more at than at what Garfield did this time. It was what Miro wrote with a pencil next to it while he was reading newspaper a bit earlier: lazanja (=lasagna).
He’s a big fan of this naughty cat because he’s mad about lazanja, too, and so he recognized immediately the famous dish just by first two ingredients of the recipe, which Garfield wanted to listen as a bedtime story. :)
ha ha ha, dobra fora. Garfieldova pravljica za lahko noč :))) Pravi obsedenec je res s to lazanjo.