Včeraj sva se odpravila na zame eno najbolj vznemirljivih izletov – čez Vršič.
Prva postaja je bila picerija Pino v Kranjski Gori [slika 1]. Papirni pogrinjki so še vedno popolnoma enaki, kot so bili odkar pomnim, ko smo tja hodili na zimske počitnice. Kako prijetno je bilo po napornem celodnevnem uživanju v zimskih radostih sesti v topel prostor s krušno pečjo. Preden smo dobili pice, sva s sestro strmeli v te sličice.
Tudi tokrat je bilo tako. Še vedno mi obudijo tiste najlepše otroške spomine. Kot tudi kratek postanek na Jasni [slika 2], kjer smo dostikrat drsali.
Pot naju je nato vodila do Ruske kapelice [slika 3] in naprej mimo vseh serpentin [slika 4, 5] do prelaza na 1611 m n.m., kjer se je odprl veličasten pogled na Trento [slika 6].
Tam sva sledila smaragdni lepotici [slika 7] vse tja do Mosta na Soči [slika 9], kjer sva zavila v smer proti Ljubljani.
Isto pot sva prevozila pred dvema letoma, vendar mesec bolj zgodaj, tako da sva na Vršiču lahko delala tudi snežne kepe in pot zaključila s kavico v italijanski Gorici. Ker sva tokrat krenila na pot šele opoldne, sva izpustila kar nekaj zanimivosti, vendar pa je bilo tudi opazovanje čudovite pokrajine skozi okno pravi užitek.
Yesterday we went for one of the most exciting trips for me – across Vršič pass which connects our alpine and mediterranean regions.
Our first stop was pizzeria Pino in Kranjska Gora [image 1]. The paper mats are still the same as they were when I was visiting Kranjska Gora for winter vacations with my family and it was so nice back then to sit down in that cosy warm place with a wood burning stove after returning from exhausting winter activities. Before we would get our pizzas my sister and I would stare into those illustrations.
It was no different yesterday. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of them; they always bring out the most beautiful childhood memories! One of such was also the next stop at Jasna lake, where we used to skate a lot and where the statue of Zlatorog stands [image 2].
On the way up we stopped at the Russian chapel [image 3] and after passing all of the serpentines [image 4, 5] reached the top – Vršič pass at 1611 m asl. A magnificent view opened on the other side just a few moments later – Trenta valley [image 6].
Coming down to this littoral side we followed our emerald beauty Soča River [image 7] all way to Most na Soči town (=bridge on Soča) [image 9] where we turned back home.
Two years ago we made the same route, but because it was a month earlier we could make some snowballs at the Vršič pass and ended our trip with a coffee in Italian Gorica (Gorizia) town. Since we started our trip only at noon yesterday, we hadn’t had much time to see many of those sights, but looking at the wonderful landscapes through the window was also a real pleasure.
Ja, Pino res prebudi spomine:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiaaa, kakšne lepote, Že kar nekaj časa se tudi sama odpravljam na to pot. Moram mojega 'zbrcat', da greva z motorjem. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTa izlet sva šla tudi midva že nekajkrat. Vendar ne z motorjem. Reka je tako lepa, a ne?
OdgovoriIzbrišigoing through the vrsic pass, with all its stops and highlights was one of our favourite things in slovenia :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, midve pa čist' po istih gostilnah hodiva, he!
Veš, da sem prav nate pomislila, ko sem videla toliko motoristov! :)
Resnično, več kot avtov.
Joj, tako hudo mi je bilo, da ni bilo časa za več postankov, zato tudi fotk nimam kaj dosti. Res, to samo gledaš - pa tudi če si že 100x videl! :)
O, isn't it the best! :)
I especially like it in the end of the spring, when it's hot already, but when you go up there's still snow. :)
Greetings and much health!