Ja, pozimi je ponavadi sneg in mraz. Nič ni narobe, če malo pojamramo, da nas zebe, zdi se mi pa prav smešno (=noro smešno), kako mediji iz tega delajo cele drame. Razumela bi, če bi bilo to sredi maja.
Kakorkoli, z Zojo imava zelo radi (tudi) zimo. Ona zaradi kepanja in ker se zaveda, kako zelo bolj do izraza takrat pridejo takele oranžne zverinice :), jaz pa zaradi spominov na obilno zasnežene zime iz otroštva in ker takrat še bolj cenim topel dom.
Ja, it’s supposed to be snowy and cold in wintertime. There’s nothing wrong if sometimes we whine about how we’re freezing, but I find it completely funny (=insane funny) how the media is making a whole drama out of it. I would understand it, if it was in the middle of May.
Kakorkoli, Zoja and I like (also) winter very much. She does because of catching snowballs and because she is aware of how much more this kind of orange little beasts stand out in all that whiteness, and I do because of my childhood memories of much much snowier winters and because this is the time when I cherish the warmth of my home even more.
Fotografije v moji barvni paleti:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou are right that the journalists are pre-exposing the winter situation, although we had some very dramatic days last week in some parts of the country, today - also... I envy you - I do not like winter at all! With the exception of the days when it's snowing quietly - then I enjoy being outside and later I can feel cozy at home, around the fire. Your photos (as well as those from the polar bears' walk) are wonderful! I like especially the sunflower!:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaaa, jaz sem tudi za sneg in prav zato sem se v nedeljo potepala s fotoaparatom in uživala. Lepe fotke. Moje še nisem uspela urediti :)
Of course, it is right that journalists report about the weather situation at home and abroad.
Also in our country there were parts with "red alarm" sign due to heavy wind (burja). It many times causes troubles like cars turning around, roofs being blown away.
Even though it's a common wind there and people are used to deal with it, these are very serious situations.
But I find it so funny that they turn even the first snowflake into a sensation, using to dramatic words. Or inviting a doctor in a studio to tell us we should dress ourselves warm at winter, hehe...
So, because you're not a winter-girl, I wish you spring as soon as possible! :)
Komaj čakam! :)
Kaaaaaaaaakšni posnetki... čudovito..