Zaplate snega še ležijo naokoli, a danes je skozi odprto okno priletel rumen metulj.
Mojemu fotoaparatu je ušel, za sabo pa pustil vonj po pomladi.
20°C! Kakšen preskok! :)
Patches of snow are still lying around,
but a yellow butterfly came flying through an open window today.
He escaped my camera, but it did leave the smell of spring behind.
20°C! What a jump! :) Remember, just a bit more than a week ago
it was more or less 30°C colder than these days.
Mojemu fotoaparatu je ušel, za sabo pa pustil vonj po pomladi.
20°C! Kakšen preskok! :)
Patches of snow are still lying around,
but a yellow butterfly came flying through an open window today.
He escaped my camera, but it did leave the smell of spring behind.
20°C! What a jump! :) Remember, just a bit more than a week ago
it was more or less 30°C colder than these days.
Res neverjetnem preskok in vidim, da so nama v zadnjem času padli v oči podobni motivi. Tudi sama sem se kak teden nazaj poigravala s temi puhastimi rastlinami iz tvoje zadnje fotografije. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni so tako fotogenične! :)