Ob poslušanju srčnega utripa reke Soče smo odkrivali nebeške lepote njene avre, se dotaknili pekla** in na koncu prostovoljno in pri polni zavesti podlegli božanskim bovškim krafom (slika 10).
*nasedli mikavni smaragdni bistrini te rečne lepotice, ki pa je v bistvu peklensko ledena bolečina
*postáli na vhodu Zadlaške jame, ki ji rečejo tudi Dantejeva, saj naj bi ta pesnik prav tam dobil navdih za Pekel v Božanski komediji (na tretji sliki je krasen razgled izpred jame)
[nižje dol ob reki lahko med drugim vidite tudi tole znamenitost]
Listening at Soča River heartbeat we were discovering heavenly beauties of her aura, touched the hell** and at the end we voluntary and in full awareness succumbed to divine bovški krafi pies (picture 10).
*fell for the tempting emerald clearness of this river beauty, which in fact is an ice-hellish pain
*at the entrance of the Zadlaška jama, also called Dante’s Cave as a legend says the poet supposed to get his Hell inspiration for The Divine Comedy right there (the third picture shows the magnificent view in front of the cave)
Additional information: the fourth picture shows the traditional Slovenian folk art of beehive-panel paintings and the sign in the last picture says Close the door
[among other things, you can also find this tourist attraction further down the river]