petek, 31. avgust 2012

Med nebesi in peklom
Between heaven and hell

Ob poslušanju srčnega utripa reke Soče smo odkrivali nebeške lepote njene avre, se dotaknili pekla** in na koncu prostovoljno in pri polni zavesti podlegli božanskim bovškim krafom (slika 10).

*nasedli mikavni smaragdni bistrini te rečne lepotice, ki pa je v bistvu peklensko ledena bolečina
*postáli na vhodu Zadlaške jame, ki ji rečejo tudi Dantejeva, saj naj bi ta pesnik prav tam dobil navdih za Pekel v Božanski komediji (na tretji sliki je krasen razgled izpred jame)

[nižje dol ob reki lahko med drugim vidite tudi tole znamenitost]

Listening at Soča River heartbeat we were discovering heavenly beauties of her aura, touched the hell** and at the end we voluntary and in full awareness succumbed to divine bovški krafi pies (picture 10).

*fell for the tempting emerald clearness of this river beauty, which in fact is an ice-hellish pain
*at the entrance of the Zadlaška jama, also called Dante’s Cave as a legend says the poet supposed to get his Hell inspiration for The Divine Comedy right there (the third picture shows the magnificent view in front of the cave)

Additional information: the fourth picture shows the traditional Slovenian folk art of beehive-panel paintings and the sign in the last picture says Close the door

[among other things, you can also find this tourist attraction further down the river]

torek, 28. avgust 2012

Po turško
Turkish way

Če Maji do zdaj ni uspelo priti do Turčije (visoko na njenem spisku želja), pride Turčija do nje! :)
Mmm, juhica iz rdeče leče, mmm, sigara burek, mmm, cacik, mmm, baklava! Yildiz Han.

If Maja hasn’t succeeded in getting to Turkey till now (high on her wish list),
then Turkey comes to her instead! :)
Mmm, that red lentil soup, mmm, sigara burek, mmm, cacik, mmm, baklava! Yildiz Han.

nedelja, 26. avgust 2012

Želja po beleženju
A documenting drive

Danes je krasen deževen dan, tak, ki pritiče lenobni nedelji. Zelo smo ga potrebovali, dež, najprej zemljica.

Tako kot sem sama potrebovala odklop od bloga. Nobenega posebnega razloga, zelo spontano. Preprosto nisem imela potrebne volje, ob tem ne čutila nikakršne skrbi, žalosti ali nelagodnosti, zato sem se temu kar prepustila, ker, ko se moja duša odloči počivati in se želijo moji možgani nastaviti na nekakšen »samo bodi« občutek, me preplavi neka taka posebna, redko prisotna sapica nagajive svobode privoščiti si ne podleči navdihu, oziroma bolje, ne začutiti želje z zabeleženjem povzdigniti ga na neko drugo stopnjo.

Dokaj neopisljiv občutek, pravzaprav, v resnici zelo prijeten, vsaj ker vem, da je, tako kot jih je bilo že mnogo pred njim, samo prehoden, in je pravzaprav posledica tistega, kar sem si rekla, ko sem začela pisati blog: nikoli na silo, vsi prispevki morajo biti nenarejeni, torej ustvarjeni s strastjo, tako ali drugačno. S tisto začinjeno željo po zabeleženju.

Za danes objavljam en star posnetek mene, ko fotografiram z enim od dobrih starih aparatov na film (v bistvu prvim mojim uradnim, Nikonom F60), ki ga je napravil Miro pred mnooogo leti v Piranu na novega leta dan. Ja, vem, grozna barva oblačila, no, vsaj moja omiljena barva ni, ampak zeblo me je in sem vzela podlogo Mirove jadralske jakne, veste, koga briga barva, ko si zaljubljen! :)

Še nekaj: danes mi je oči pokazal mojo tako-je-rekel prvo fotografijo (vse sorte moje-prve-fotografije sem že videla, ob katerih smo se smejali, te še nikoli). Ko jo dobim, jo pokažem. Ali pa morda ne. :)

It’s a lovely rainy day today, very suitable for a lazy Sunday. It was so needed, the rain, after long period of unbearably hot days.

Just like I needed a time off my blog. No special reason, very spontaneous, just had no proper will that is necessary to do it, felt no worry, sadness or discomfort about it and I decided to leave it that way, because when my soul decides to rest and my brain set to some kind of pleasant “just be” I feel that special naughty freedom of being indifferent to any inspiration, or better said, have no desire to elevate it to another level by documenting it.

Quite indescribable feeling, actually, very pleasant, really, since I know it’s just a transitional period like all the others were so far, and also something that I had said to myself when I started this blog: never force it, all posts must come smoothly and have to be created with one sort of passion. With that spicy documenting drive.

So I leave you today with an old photo of me capturing moments with one of the good old film cameras (first one officially mine in fact, Nikon F60) taken by Miro in Piran on a New Year’s Day many many years ago. Yes, I know, awful cloth colour, well, at least not my colour, but I was cold and I took the under layer of Miro’s sailing jacket, you see, who cares about the colour when you’re in love! :)

One thing more: today my dad showed me my he-said first photograph (I’ve already seen all sorts of my-first-photographs at which we laughed about, but never this one). When I get it I will show you. Or maybe not. :)

ponedeljek, 20. avgust 2012

Same doma
Home alone

Punce imamo za svoja klepetkanja rade mir, zato sva se s sestro odpravili k najini najboljši prijateljici, ker je bila tokrat ona sama doma.

Ob kozarcu limonade in ingverjevega čaja smo si privoščile poznopopoldansko sončenje. Prijateljica je seveda vse naredila sama, tudi čaj (z vrelo vodo preliti koščki svežega ingverja; sliki 4 in 6) in pripravek za nego kože iz laškega smilja (slika 2), ki sliši tudi na ime suhocvetnica ali nesmrtnica, zgovorno pa je dejstvo, da je njegovo ime v grščini sestavljeno iz besed sonce in zlato.

Nabrala ga je na Pagu in kasneje namočila v olivno olje. Od nje s sestro vedno dobivava najrazličnejše z morjem navdahnjene lepotilno-zdravilne zvarke. :)

Ko se je sonce skrilo, smo najprej poskusile, za zdravje, kakopak! :), orehovec, potem pa smo ob okusni večerji nadaljevale s klepetom pozno v noč.

When we girls get together we like to have peace for our chatting, so this time my sister and I went to our best friend, since she was home alone.

We had a late afternoon sunbathing with a glass of lemonade and ginger tea. It was all homemade by the friend, including the tea (boiled water poured over small pieces of fresh ginger; pictures 4 and 6) and a skin care lotion made of immortelle (picture 2), a so called everlasting flower that is found in the Mediterranean parts of Europe. Its Greek name is a combination of two words, sun and gold, very eloquent.

She had picked the flowers on the Croatian island Pag and put it into olive oil. My sister and I, we always get these kinds of sea-inspired beautifying-healthful mixtures from her. :)

When the sun set down we tried, for health, what else! :), homemade orehovec [=walnut liqueur], a very popular aperitif and digestif in Slovenia, picture 5, and then we attacked the delicious dinner and continued chatting late into the night.

nedelja, 19. avgust 2012

sobota, 18. avgust 2012

Fige prekašajo tehnične težave
Figs outrank technical problems

Ja, očitno so težave, ki jih imam že nekaj časa z računalnikom, povezane s tem, da pri nekaterih od vas ne morem pustiti komentarja. Tako je moj mojster rekel. In ker so te težave v bistvu, hmja, težavice, bo táko stanje verjetno še nekaj časa, saj, kot veste, je kovačeva kobila ponavadi bosa. :)

Zato pa sem toliko boljše volje, ker se te dni sladkam s tonami fig! Miro je zadnjič naredil tole preprosto sladico na sliki zgoraj, mami je včeraj pripravila takle krožnik, največ pa jih pojem kar tako, sáme, brez vsega.

P.s.: Ni je večje zabave pod soncem kot opazovati kosmatinca in njegove lumparije.

Yes, the fact that I cannot leave a comment at some of you seem to be connected with difficulties that I've been having recently with my computer. This is what my expert has said. And since these troubles are in fact, well, tiny little troubles I think this status quo will last and last, because, you know, the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot or, as we say here, the smith’s mare is always barefoot :)

But, I’m in a much better mood because there’s a galore of figs these days that sweeten my days! Miro made this simple dessert in the picture above the other day and my mum made this kind of dish yesterday, but I eat them most just like they are, without anything else.

P.s.: There is no funnier thing under the sun than watching the furry thing at her mischievousness.

četrtek, 16. avgust 2012

Okusno, okusnejše, najokusnejše
Tasty, tastier, even tastier

Vam povem, prava muka je bilo delati tole objavo, mislim, izbirati slike! :)

Ja, zadnjič, na Posestvu Pule, sem torej fotografirala prav vse jedi po vrsti, od prigrizka za dobrodošlico do sladice, ker sva bila prejšnjič, ko so nama podarili podobno dobro razvajanje, okregana, da nisva domov prinesla niti enega posnetka dobrot, ki sva jih bila tam deležna.

Kaj češ lepšega, kot če ti natakar reče, denimo, da je maline, ki jih je ravnokar postavil predte, tisti dan sam nabral, in pri tem pokaže na vrt tam zadaj za tabo.

Z njihovega vrta je bilo še kar nekaj sestavin, stročji fižol in bučkin cvet, če jih naštejem le nekaj, všeč pa mi je bilo, da je bilo tudi nasploh veliko domače pripravljenega, od kruha in ocvirkov do sladoleda in gotovo sem še kaj pozabila.

Za nameček sva za domov dobila še paketek njihove moke in lonček medu.

Skratka oh in ah!

I tell you, it was a real torture, making this post, I mean, picking up these photos! :)

Yes, I photographed every single dish, the other day, from the welcome appetizer to the dessert, because the last time when we had been given such a pumpering treatment we made our families unhappy for not bringing home not even one single photo of the goodies we ate there.

When a waiter puts the raspberries in front of you saying that he himself picked them up earlier that day in the garden over there behind your back – what else can beat this!

There were some more ingredients from their garden in all of our dishes, green beans, pumpkin flowers, to name just a few, but I liked it because there were many home prepared things on general, like bread, craclings, ice cream and I’m sure I forgot some more.

To top it all they gave us a package of their house flour and a little jar of honey to take it home.

In short, oh and ah!

sreda, 15. avgust 2012

Vodni volk
Water wolf

Nisem še imela časa pripraviti obljubljene kulinarične objave,
zato za danes… naš vodni volk! :)

I haven’t got time to prepare the promised food post yet,
so for today… our water wolf! :)
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