torek, 27. november 2012

Jesen v polnem cvetu
Autumn in full bloom

Cvet jeseni ujet na najlepši ulici na svetu pred natanko enim mesecem.

The bloom of autumn in the most beautiful street in the world taken exactly one month ago.

ponedeljek, 26. november 2012

Barvito sredi gozdička
Colourful in the middle of a grove

Na barviti stojnici kmetije Planjava sredi gozdička pri Šenčurju
so trenutne glavne prodajne zvezde motovilec (njam!), čili in buče.

Lamb’s lettuce (njam!), chilli and pumpkins are the main stars
at Planjava farm stand in the middle of a grove at the moment.

nedelja, 25. november 2012

Njena najljubša stvar
Her favourite thing

Ko sva danes Zojin povodec pustila na klopci in odšla več kot deset metrov proč, da bi se igrala z njo, ji metala vse sorte gozdne najdbe, ki so nama prišle pod roke, od palic do storžev, je neprestano hodila preverjat, če je še tam, in mu z lizanjem izkazovat svojo ljubezen; povodec je namreč njen najljubši predmet, saj pomeni – sprehod! :)

When we put Zoja's leash on a bench today and went more than 10 metres away to play with her, throwing her all sorts of forest finds, sticks and cones, she was constantly checking if it’s still there and showing her love by licking it; namely, the leash is her favourite thing, because it means - a walk! :)

sobota, 24. november 2012


petek, 23. november 2012

Tri sladice za petek
Three desserts for Friday

Vanilijev sladoled z bučnim oljem Vanilla ice cream with pumpkin seed oil

Pečena banana z medom, sezamom in smetano Fried banana with honey, sesame and cream

Mamin štrudelj z jabolki, bučo, ingverjem, skuto in sezamom 
My mum's strudel with apples, pumpkin, ginger, cottage cheese and sesame

četrtek, 22. november 2012

Zbor zvezd
A stars meeting

Včeraj smo se spet dobile, midve s sestro in najina najboljša prijateljica. Tradicija, ki traja že nekaj časa in je nastala čisto spontano, je, da si vedno namešamo popolne sokce iz naključne zelenjave in sadja, ki ju prinesemo.

Malenkost za predjed sem tokrat pripravila jaz in ker nas je prejšnjič Miro tako lepo presenetil in nam prinesel nekaj, kar je posebej za nas pripravil za jest, sem mu tokrat kar rekla, da če bo, takó, čisto slučajno kaj kuhal, da se spet zelo priporočamo. In smo res dobile okusno testeninsko večerjo! In malo kasneje še sladico. :)

Ko sva se z Mirom vrnila s počitnic, me je doma čakala majica z rdečo zvezdo. Punce smo to načrtovale že nekaj časa, da si jih vse tri hkrati naročimo in tako smo imele včeraj zbor zvezd, rdečih zvezd, pa naj si vsak misli, kar si hoče! :)

Konec koncev, v nas še živi uporniški duh. Tale je tista, čisto naša muskica iz žurerskih časov. Uh, koliko norih spominov obudi!

We had a meeting again yesterday, my sister, our best friend and I. Our spontaneous tradition for quite some time already is to mix a perfect juice out of random vegetables and fruit we bring.

I made this little something for starters this time and, since the last time we met Miro completely surprised us by bringing us something he made for us to eat, this time I said to him: if you’re planning, I mean just in case, to cook something, you’re welcome to bring it some to us again. And he did! A delicious pasta dinner. Plus a dessert a bit later! :)

When we, Miro and I came from vacation there was a red star t-shirt waiting for me at home. It was a joint plan of us, girls, to order them for all three together at the same time. So, it was a stars meeting, a red stars meeting yesterday and you may think whatever you want about that! :)

After all, there is still a rebel spirit in us. This is our THE song from our party days. Oh, it brings out so many crazy memories!

torek, 20. november 2012

Sobotne delavske prigode
Saturday's renovation anecdotes

Pogled navzdol na trto z balkona najinega nastajajočega doma.
Looking down to the vine from the balcony of our future home.

En ubog star radio imava nastavljen na neko nevemkaterože postajo, kjer v večini vrtijo vedno ene in iste komercialne komade, ki nama gledajo že iz ušes; ravno zato, ker takrat, še posebej, ko nastopi kriza, rabiva prav to, da se malo ponorčujeva, obnašava bebasto in občasno noriva ob motivacijskih krikih.
We have set this poor old radio to one station where they mostly play the same commercial songs again and again that we are already fed of them, but this is exactly what we need, especially in a time of crisis, because we can make fun of it, act stupid and do some crazy dance with occasional motivation screams.

Odkar sva kupila tistega rumenca, sta modri in rdeči kar naenkrat vedno in povsod čudežno pri roki.
Ever since we bought that yellow guy the blue and the red one are suddenly always at your hand when needed.

Najina mizica z malico je tako vabeča! Saj res, Miro mi je obljubil, da mi za vsakih 50, ali pa je morda rekel?, ja mislim, da je res rekel, da mi za vsakih 30 sčiščenih in obrušenih parketnih deščic kupi eno tistole njami dobro riževo mleko s kakavom. Z vsako deščico, z vsakim zabojem, z vsakim dnem se mi zdi, da sem se zelo, zelo slabo izpogajala, hm …
Our little inviting camping table with malica [I can’t find an appropriate word in English, it’s a meal between the main ones, like a snack, but it is more than snack; a very useful word indeed! :)].
Oh, right, Miro promised to buy me for every 50, or did he say 30?, yes, I believe he did say that for every 30 cleaned and sanded parquet tiles he will buy me that njami delicious rice milk with cocoa. With every tile, with every box, with every day going by I think I’ve made a bad, a terribly bad negotiation deal, hm …

Lani je Miro v drugi sobi parket polagal prvič, ...
Last year Miro laid the tiles in another room for the first time ...

… zdaj pa je že tak mojster, da so bile te štiri vrstice položene v trenutku, mene pa pošteno skrbi, kako bom sledila temu tempu, da bodo deščice pravočasno pripravljene.
(na slikah tu lahko vidite, da je bil parket prej sicer sestavljen v lepši vzorec, a ker je bil na nekaterih mestih poškodovan in ker sva spremenila tloris, ni šlo drugače, kot da ga pomečeva ven; tu pa vidite, koliko dela sva si s tem nakopala)
… and now he is an expert. This four rows were made in a blink of an eye and I’m getting worried how to follow him by cleaning them so quickly.

(here you can see that the parquet had much prettier pattern before, but because it was damaged in some places and because we changed the floor plan we had no other option but to throw it all out; and here you can see how much more work we have given to ourselves by doing it)

Takole Miro skrbi, da se ne začneva dolgočasiti in ostajava osredotočena na delo. :)
This is how Miro takes care we don’t get bored and stay focused on working. :)

Še en pogled na trto z balkona najinega nastajajočega doma.
Looking down to the vine from another angle of the balcony of our future home.

ponedeljek, 19. november 2012

Sladka Ljubljana
Sweet Ljubljana

V deževnem nedeljskem dnevu sva se v prazno prestolnico podala na lov za Torto Ljubljana, novo slaščico, ki, tako kot naj bi se za prestolnico spodobilo, združuje dobrote z vseh koncev naše deželice in ki so jo ustvarili pod budnim očesom enega naših najpriznanejših etnologov, Janeza Bogataja.

Torta je narejena iz ajdove moke in semen buč, ki predstavljajo Prekmurje, fig, ki so značilne za Primorsko, kostanja, prebivalca slovenskih gozdov, medu, ki nakazuje bogato čebelarsko tradicijo, ter mandljev in čokolade.

Berem tudi, da se mogoče obeta razvoj presne različice te torte, v načrtu pa je že nov projekt: Piškot Ljubljana.

Pogrešala sem samo kakšen temu primeren lep kotiček, kamor bi se usedla in jo pojedla, tam, v središču prestolnice, tako pa sva domov prinesla dva razmajana kosa. :)

We headed to the rainy and empty Sunday capital in search for Torta Ljubljana (=Ljubljana cake), a new dessert that, like the capital itself, combines the best our little country has; buckwheat flour and pumpkin seeds represent Prekmurje region in the northeast corner, figs represent our Coast, chestnuts represent our wide forests, honey our beekeeping tradition and there is also a chocolate of course.

It was all supervised by one of our most acknowledgeable ethnologist Janez Bogataj.

I read there might be also a raw-style version of Ljubljana cake in the future and the next project is Piškot Ljubljana (=Ljubljana cookie).

I only missed a nice place to sit down and eat it right there, in the centre of the capital, instead we brought home two pieces not in a top shape. :)

nedelja, 18. november 2012

Dežujejo golobi
It's raining pigeons

Miro je na srečo imel dežnik, ko ga je danes zajel oblak ptičev. :)

Luckily Miro had an umbrella when he was covered by the cloud of birds today. :)
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