torek, 30. september 2014

Ruševine v jesenski pokrajini
Ruins in autumn landscape

Vesela sem, da sem grad Kalc, oziroma kar je še ostalo od njega, blizu Knežaka, prvič videla prav v prelepi jesenski pokrajini, ki se mu je krasno podala.

Zgrajen je bil okoli leta 1620. Od leta 1843 je bil v lasti pesnika, skladatelja, politika in domoljuba Miroslava Vilharja, ki je tam organiziral šesti vseslovanski tabor, kjer so zahtevali Zedinjeno Slovenijo in enakopravnost slovenskega jezika.

Najbolj zanimivo mi je, da je kot učitelj njegovih otrok na gradu nekaj let živel pisatelj Fran Levstik.

I am glad the first time I saw Kalc Castle, or better what was left of it, was in this beautiful autumn landscape. It was built around 1620 and has, among other things, an important place in our national and cultural movement, when people demanded equal rights for our language in 19th century.

For me it is very interesting that the author of one of our most popular tales has lived there for a few years as a tutor for the movement organiser’s children.

ponedeljek, 29. september 2014

Preden gre vse k vragu
Before it all goes to hell

Miro je, medtem ko je delal jabolčni zavitek, v nekem trenutku rekel: evo, slikaj zdaj! – to je zadnja priložnost, od tu naprej gre lahko vse k vragu. In res je šlo. Zelo k vragu, vsaj kar se izgleda tiče, okus je bil, glede na vse, pravzaprav kar v redu.

While making an apple strudel, Miro said at one point: here, take a shot now! – this is the last chance, from now on it can all go to hell. And it did. Very much to hell, well, at least if we talk about the looks, the taste was, considering all, quite good actually.

četrtek, 25. september 2014

Rumena, zelena, modra, rdeča, bela
Yellow, green, blue, red, white

Evo, idealna priložnost, tale turoben deževen dan,
da objavim barvite posnetke najverjetneje zadnjega piknika letošnje sezone,
ki se je zgodil že v začetku meseca.

It is an ideal opportunity today, on this dull rainy day,
to post few colourful photos from most probably the last picnic in the season,
which happened already in the beginning of the month.

sreda, 24. september 2014

Puding s figovo krono
Pudding with a fig crown

A sem že rekla, kako zelo imam rada fige? Sem, ane, večkrat, verjetno. :) Če ne bi bilo še toliko drugih slastnih sadežev, ki jih prav tako obožujem, bi rekla, da so mi izmed vseh najljubše.

Tokrat sem nama jih postregla k pudingu iz ovsenega mleka in čia semen; torej, v mleko sem namočila semena, počakala kratek čas, da se je stvar zgostila. Zraven lahko, tako kot v običajni puding, vmešaš še druge priboljške po želji, na primer, nasekljane oreške, suho sadje itd, jaz sem malo kakava, mace in cimeta.

Have I told you how very much I like figs? I did, did I, many times, I suppose. :) If there had not been so many other delicious fruits that I adore just the same, I would have easily say they are my favourite of all.

This time I served them as a decoration on pudding made from oat-milk and chia seeds; I soaked the seeds in the milk, waited for a while, til the mixture got thick. Just like when you make an ordinary pudding you can mix in some goodies at your own choice, like chopped nuts or dried fruits. I decided for a bit of cocoa, maca and cinnamon.

torek, 23. september 2014

Popravljanje poletja
Repairing of summer

Kako rada imam te dni, ko se poletje preveša v jesen in potem célo jesen, ki nekako letos računam, da bo lepa, dolga in topla, kar bi bilo edino pravično, po vsej polomiji od poletja, kajne!

How I love these days, when summer leans into autumn and then the whole autumn, for which I somehow count on to be very beautiful, long and warm this year, because it would only be fair after all this failure of summer, wouldn’t it!

ponedeljek, 22. september 2014

Ko težko pričakuješ ponedeljkovo jutro
When you hardly wait for Monday morning to come

Kako težko sem čakala današnje jutro!
Miro je pozno sinoči spekel pirine bombice in sanjala sem o tem,

kako nanje namažem maslo in Firbasovo marmelado. :)

I have waited so hard for this morning!
Late last night Miro baked some spelt bagels and I dreamed about
spreading butter and marmalade (that we got at Firbas farm) on them. :)

nedelja, 21. september 2014

Najboljši začetek dneva
The best start of a day

Navada je, da čez teden jutranje napitke mešam jaz,
ob koncih tedna pa, tako kot tega zgoraj, Miro.

Our habit is that I mix morning smoothies on the workdays,
and Miro for the weekends, like he did this above.

petek, 19. september 2014

Kaj je tisto?
What's that?

Kaj je tisto? – je veliko, oranžno in se kotali po poljih; ne more biti drugega kot jaz! 
What’s that? – it’s big, orange and rolling across fields; it must be me!

četrtek, 18. september 2014

Leto fižola
The year of beans

Letos smo doma pridelali toliko fižola, zato je bil zelooo pogosto na jedilniku, v vseh oblikah,
najljubša, tudi zaradi spominov, pa mi je preprosta tradicionalna jed, ki jo je pripravljala že babica,
stročji fižol s krompirjem in ocvirki.

We grew so much beans at our garden this year, so it was maaany times on our tables in many forms,
but my favourite is our traditional dish, which reminds me of my grandma and is the most simpl,
green beans with potato cubes and cracklings.

nedelja, 14. september 2014

Namesto čipsa
Instead of chips

Zadnjič sva se na ljubljanski tržnici pustila speljati na otvoritev trgovine Kmetije Cimerman. Pred vrati so imeli za pokušino na voljo vse preveč dobrot, da naju ne bi premamile. Mira sem vprašala: si poskusil ocvirke? Poskusi in brez besed izgine v trgovinico. Vidim, da ven pride z vrečo, v kateri zelo očitno niso bili samo ocvirki, ampak še ena klobasa, ki so mu jo podarili.

Kakorkoli, na jedeh mi ti veliki ocvirki nikoli niso bili privlačni, rada imam tiste drobne, sem pa ugotovila, da so tile, veliki kot popečene krušne kocke, idealni za malico za v hribe. Zdaj jih, tako kot danes na Osovnik, jemljeva s sabo na izlete in jih grizljava kot čips. Samo še kakšno jabolko za zraven pa je.

The other day at the central farmer’s market we visited an opening of a shop of Cimerman Farm. There was a degustation of their products outside the shop and they were too good not to tempt us. I asked Miro: have you tasted cracklings? He takes one and disappears inside the shop without words. I see him coming out with a bag obviously not filled with just cracklings and he explains he was given a sausage as a gift.

Anyway, I never liked these big cracklings on dishes, I like those tiny ones, but I did find out now, these like-toasted-bread-cubes-ones are ideal for a snack when you go on a trip. So now, when we go on a hike, like we did today to Osovnik hill, we take some with us and eat them like chips. All you need more is an apple or some other fruit and that’s it.

petek, 12. september 2014

Mokra kot pes
Wet like a dog

Na današnjem sprehodu naju je z Zojo ujel precej močan naliv,
mene ni pretirano motil, Zoji je bilo pa tako ali tako vseeno, če je mokra kot pes :),
prav nasprotno pa je bilo pred nekaj dnevi, ko sva z Mirom takole uživala na sončku.

On today's walk with Zoja, a heavy rain caught us,
it did not bother me particularly and she didn’t mind being wet like a dog :),
quite different like a few days ago, when Miro and I enjoyed a sunny day.
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