Čudovita opatijska riviera, ki je s svojimi avstroogrskimi vilami prava izložba srednje Evrope 19. stoletja, nama je dala zatočišče v Lovranu, kjer sva ne le občudovala ljubko staro jedro, ampak se podala tudi po enem najlepših obalnih sprehajališč na svetu, ki se mu reče Lungomare oziroma obalna pot Franca Jožefa.
Celotna reč je imenitno speljana ob morju, obsijana s soncem, ohlajena s senčko, radodarna s klopcami, razgledi, speljana skozi konobe, terase, plaže, mesteca, pristanišča in je dolga 12 kilometrov, midva sva užila privlačnosti slabe polovice, do Opatije in nazaj.
[predhodna objava tega izleta; se še nadaljuje ... ]
Wonderful Opatija Riviera (in Croatia), a showcase of Central Europe of the 19th century with all its Austro-Hungarian villas, gave us a retreat in Lovran, where we not only admired its lovely old town, but also took a walk along one of the most spectacular seafront promenades in the world, called Lungomare or Franz Josef Promenade.
The entire path beautifully follows the coastline, escorted by the sun, chilled down by shadows, generous with benches, views, led through taverns, terraces, beaches, little towns, harbours and it is 12 kilometres long; we enjoyed the attractions of almost a half of the whole lenght, to Opatija town and back.
[previous post of this trip; still to be continued ... ]
Res je cudovito.