sreda, 15. oktober 2014

Prav popoln jesenski dan
Just a perfect autumn day

Dolgo, dolgo se mi je na vožnjah po primorski avtocesti mimo Barja nasmihal en luštkan hribček s cerkvico in ničkolikokrat sem si rekla, da enkrat pa moram že tja gor!
No, pretekli konec tedna, ki se je bohotil v vsej jesenski popolnosti, je bil idealen čas za obisk.

Long, too long I have been looking at a cute hill with a little church when passing it on a highway, for many years, and numberless times I said to myself one day I must visit it.
Well, the past weekend, glorious in all its autumn beauty, was the perfect choice to finally go up there.

Pred odhodom še malica, vedno odlična Krušičeva konjska pašteta, tokrat prvič s pistacijami, popestrena s krešo in paradižnikom, potem pa pot pod noge!

Before leaving home, we had a snack; always delicious horse pate, this time with pistachios, accompanied with watercress and tomatoes; and then – take a hike and enjoy!

Bilo je ravno prav toplo in sončno, po zelo kratkem vzponu na vrh pa se je odprl krasen razgled po Barju. Ko sva se spravila na malico št. 2, naju je zabaval dokaj močan, vendar prijeten veter. Tisto, ko ti je tako lepo, da ne bi moglo biti lepše!

[Sv. Ana]

It was just the right temperature and sunny and after a very short uphill rise there was such a wonderful view over Barje. Quite strong, but pleasant wind entertained us while having a snack no. 2, so it could not be better!

[Sv. Ana]

1 komentar:

  1. Fantastic photos from a wonderful day off!:)))) How much beauty!!
    Sv.Ana Church looks magical in winter, too!:)


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