ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2014

Skutne palačinke
Ljubljana's cottage cheese pancakes

Če ti ostane nekaj palačink viška, sta le dve možnosti – ali jih naslednji dan narežeš na tanke rezance za v juhico ali pa narediš znamenite slastne skutne palačinke, kaj pa drugega! :)

In my family, and I believe this is the way in most Slovenian families, when some pancakes stay uneaten, we usually use them in two ways at one of the next meals. First, roll each and slice them to make spaghetti-thin addition to clear beef soup, and the other way is the traditional dish from our capital area – cottage cheese pancakes.

You just spread a mixture of cottage cheese, eggs, cream, sugar, bread crumbs, salt and chopped tarragon on each (my grandma sometimes added raisins instead of tarragon), roll them, put them side by side in a baking tray and pour everything with a mixture of cream, an egg and a pinch of salt (in the picture above we didn’t make that last step, don’t know why).

Simple and good!

2 komentarja:

  1. Sounds delicious, looks tempting... We should make pancakes and try not to eat them all, in order to make this recipe.:-D

  2. Lepo hrustljavo zapečene palačinke,tudi v juhi so prav posbne;)


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