Danes nisem mislila nič objaviti, pa je prišel veter, povzročil prepih in zaloputnil vrata.
Slišala sem, da se je nekaj razbilo. Na tleh je v koščkih ležal ubogi dražgoški kruhek, ki sem ga pred leti kupila v neki galeriji in sem ga imela položenega na vrhu okvirja vrat kopalnice.
Da vam pokažem, kako je izgledal pred nesrečo, sem se šla sestavljanko.
Today I didn’t mean to post anything, but the wind came, caused a draft and slammed the door. I heard something broke. There was the poor little honey-bread of Dražgoše laying on the floor in pieces.
The Dražgoše honey-breads are one of old craft-treasures of Slovenia. They came from village Dražgoše and they are very unique because of their hand-made decoration.
I bought this one many years ago in one of the galleries and I had it placed on the top of the bathroom door's frame.
To show you how it looked before the accident occurred, I must do some puzzle-game before.

a veš, da je fajn... veliko si povedala.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh! What a pity .. it's beautiful!