Stara mačkonarka, prav tista brez uradnega imena in uhlja, je včerajšnje sončne žarke izkoristila še za zadnje letošnje poležavanje zunaj, mene pa je danes pri poigravanju s koruznimi vzorci zalotil en navihan smrček.
Takole se Zoja včasih prikrade, ko slikam ali sedim za računalnikom, in ker ve, da v te prostore nima vstopa, odrine sicer (ravno v ta namen) nezakljukana vrata le toliko, da pomoli noter svoj zvedavi nos in me kaj-pa-vem-koliko-časa opazuje.
Verjetno ne prav dolgo, glede na to, kakšen hiperaktivec je. Ko ima dovolj, nezadovoljno zagodrnja, tako kot danes, in potem vedno prasnem v smeh, ne morem si pomagat! :)
Kakorkoli, tokrat sem bila končno dovolj prisebna, da sem pograbila foto, a ker ji gre poziranje dokaj na živce, je vztrajno gledala v neko točko na steni, dokler ni minilo.
The old cat, yes, the one without an official name and without an ear, took advantage of the season’s last warm days for lying outside yesterday and I was interrupted by this cute nose today, while I was playing with corn patterns.
This is how Zoja sometimes sneaks when I’m painting something or sitting at the computer and because she knows perfectly well that she has no access into this room, she pushes (just for that purpose) unhooked door only that much that she can squeeze in-between her cute nose and observes me for I-don’t-know-how-much-time.
Probably not for a very long time, considering her hyperactivity. And when she’s tired of waiting, she mumbles in a most disgruntled way, like she did today and than I always burst into laughter, I just can’t help myself! :)
Anyway, this time I finally remember to grab my camera, but as she hates these things in front of her face, she was persistently looking into one particular point in the wall until it was over.
He he, ne moreš še načudit kaj si vse ne zmislijo te žverce.
OdgovoriIzbrišiShe's a beauty - she simply wants to take part in everything, that happens in the house, doesn't she?
OdgovoriIzbrišiOur turtle was so happy all summer long, sunbathing on the balcony. Now he's inside and sleeps most of the time... It's autumn.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrava žverca je, to si fino napisala! :)
I like to think so, too, that she wants my company so much, that she comes to check me from time to time, how I am and so, but the truth is very painful: in most cases she comes asking if it's lunch time already! :)
Say hello to your turtle! :)