Ko delaš načrte o tem, kako bi zvečer prijala vroča čokolada, in greš na sprehod z namenom, da ubiješ dve muhi na mah (rekreacija in nakup), in prideš do mlekomata, pa ugotoviš, da si denarnico pozabil doma, in si zaradi tega tako obupan, da, kljub temu, da veš, da denar ne leži naokoli kar tako, vseeno gledaš po tleh, če se bo kje kaj zalesketalo, potem ti ne preostane drugega, kot da naslednji dan ubereš isto pot, s to razliko, da prej preveriš, če je denarnica res v žepu, in potem objaviš posnetke z obeh dni, kot da bi bil to en sam sprehod.
Govorim o dveh človeških in eni pasji glavi! :)
When you make plans about how nice it would be to have a cup of hot chocolate in the evening and you want to join two things into one (recreation and a purchase) by going on a walk and then you arrive to the milkomat and find out that you forgot your wallet at home and you’re so desperate that, even though you know that money doesn’t lie on the ground just like that, you start looking around for something shiny, in that case you have nothing else to do than repeat the same route all over again the next day, with a tiny little difference of checking twice if your wallet really is in a pocket, and then you post photos from both days like it was just one walk.
I’m talking about two human and one dog head! :)
He he, samo po fotkah sodeč se je splačalo, pa telo je bilo tudi hvaležno. Samo tisti trenutek pa si jezen... :) Jaz sem včeraj bila na tako čudovitem jesenskem sprehodu s fotoaparatom, da se mi je kar juckalo. :)))
OdgovoriIzbrišiO, upam, da pokažeš kakšne fotke! :)