četrtek, 13. oktober 2011

Morski spominki
Sea treasures

S Krka sem prinesla nekaj kamenčkov in za začetek na enega od njih naslikala
glagoljaško črko B, kot spomin na prekrasno baščansko plažo,
in spet sem bila vesela, da imam Kathyjino vrečko,
tokrat za šopek rožmarina, ki sem ga nabrala na poti domov
in ki še zdaj omamno diši! :)

I brought some pebbles from Krk and for beginning I painted
a glagolitic letter B on one of them as a memory of the beautiful beach of Baška town
and once more I was happy to have Kathy’s bag,
because I used it to carry a bouquet of rosemary that I picked
on our way home. It still smells so nice! :)

4 komentarji:

  1. Hello, Maja!I know what you mean by saying "treasures"!:) The letter looks very nice upon the pebble! The common thing between us is that we are Slavs! Only that we use the Cyrillic alphabet - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillic#Cyrillic_alphabets
    I notice that there's a lot of common between our languages, for example "morski spominki" in Bulgarian sounds like "morski spomeni" ("морски спомени"). I suppose that "spomenki" means "memories"...
    I love Kathy's blogs!:)

  2. Krasno si ujela spomine in ti krasijo in odišavljajo dom.

  3. Thank you, Rossichka! :)

    Yes, you're right, but you have to be careful, because I've learned, that some words sometimes mean just the opposite and you can get into serious troubles! :)

    I know a bit of Serbian cyrillic alphabet, I read it like a first grade pupil, ha!
    But my first contact with this old Croatian glagolitic alphabet was right on that island about a month ago. I was impressed! It was so interesting! :)

    Vladuška: Hvala, rožmarin je že kar precej posušen, ampak diši pa še kar. :)

    [I made too many typing mistakes, so I wrote it again. :)]

  4. Ha, Rossichka, I completely forgot to answer on one part of your comment:
    "spominki" means "souvenirs"
    "spomini" means "memories"
    and additional related word:
    "spomenik" means "monument"



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