Da so rastline zelo očarljive, to vem,
da pa so lahko prav šarmantni tudi virusi :), sem spoznala nedavno,
ko sta jih za sestrično oblikovala moja sestra in oči.
Enega takega svojega si boste lahko sestavili na stojnici Ko bakterije napadejo očarljive rastline,
če boste v petek obiskali Botanični vrt v Ljubljani, ko bo gostil Dan očarljivih rastlin.
(dodatni povezavi z informacijami: tu in tu)
[rožice zgoraj so s preteklih nekaj dni, ujete tu in tam]
That plants are very fascinating, that I do know,
but only recently when I saw viruses that my sister and my dad had designed for my cousin,
I realised that these little creatures can also be quite charming. :)
You’ll have an opportunity to make one of them for yourself,
if you visit the stand called Bacterial diseases of fascinating plants
within the Fascination of Plants Day at the Botanic gardens in Ljubljana this Friday.
[the flowers above are from past few day, taken here and there]
da pa so lahko prav šarmantni tudi virusi :), sem spoznala nedavno,
ko sta jih za sestrično oblikovala moja sestra in oči.
Enega takega svojega si boste lahko sestavili na stojnici Ko bakterije napadejo očarljive rastline,
če boste v petek obiskali Botanični vrt v Ljubljani, ko bo gostil Dan očarljivih rastlin.
(dodatni povezavi z informacijami: tu in tu)
[rožice zgoraj so s preteklih nekaj dni, ujete tu in tam]
That plants are very fascinating, that I do know,
but only recently when I saw viruses that my sister and my dad had designed for my cousin,
I realised that these little creatures can also be quite charming. :)
You’ll have an opportunity to make one of them for yourself,
if you visit the stand called Bacterial diseases of fascinating plants
within the Fascination of Plants Day at the Botanic gardens in Ljubljana this Friday.
[the flowers above are from past few day, taken here and there]
Fajn je, ko nas stvari pozitivno presenetijo... četudi virusi, he he... Fotografije znova popolne... tudi očarljive :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNaslednjič, ko me napadejo virusi, jih bom smatrala za prijatelje, mogoče bo kaj bolje. :)