


Pri mojih letih, ko sem že zdavnaj spoznala, kako umazano se vrti ta naš svet, me vseeno vedno znova presenečajo nesramnost, neuvidevnost in komolčarstvo ljudi. To doživljam pri tako vsakdanjih opravilih, kot je čakanje v vrsti v trgovini ali ko hodim po pločniku.
Z Mirom si vedno pogosteje ponavljava stavek, ki nama je edini ostal v glavi iz filma Jej, moli, ljubi (ki je sicer čisto simpatičen za enkrat pogledat, predvsem zaradi popotovanj, a drugače nič kaj posebnega): Smile with your liver!
Takrat sva debelo gledala, kaj naj bi to pomenilo, kako se to smejiš z jetri?, a že takoj naslednji dan, ko sem rekla, da mi gre na jetra dec, ki je svoj avto pustil tam, kjer ne bi smel in naju, da mu seveda ne bi bilo treba narediti več kot tri korake do stola, kamor bo namestil svojo egoistično rit, zaparkiral, kljub temu, da je bilo naokoli vse polno prostih parkirnih mest, ja, že takoj takrat sem vedela, kaj to pomeni, smejati se z jetri.
Kadar torej naletiš na kakšno tako rit, mu po potrebi poveš svoje (čeprav, najbolj neverjetno pri vsem tem je, da če kdaj kaj rečeš, te nadere nazaj, ker si ga sploh upaš nadlegovati, to me vedno znova osupne), se nasmehneš z jetri in se počutiš bolje, medtem ko tisti bedak še vedno ostaja… ena velika rit. :)
Ja, res da je petek in lep majski dan, ampak včasih imaš preprosto dovolj vsega (kaj bi bilo šele, če bi pomislila še na politiko in barabije vsenaokrog!) in si (namenoma) privoščiš take sočne besede pa še za te se potrudiš, da so kolikor toliko javni objavi sprejemljive.
Imejte lep vikend, če je le mogoče, pojdite v naravo (tile posnetki so z Rožnika) in smejte se z jetri! :)
At my age, when I had my share of learning on how dirty is the way in which our world goes around, I’m just the same surprised again and again by the rudeness, inconsideration and pushiness of the people. I can feel this on every day basis, like when waiting in a line in a market or walking on the pavement.
Miro and I, we’re always repeating to ourselves a sentence that stayed in our heads after seeing movie Eat, Pray, Love (which is quite lovely to watch it once, especially because of travelling experiences, but otherwise nothing special): Smile with your liver!
At that time we were wondering what that means and how do you do that, smile with a liver?, but the following day when one guy parked his car where he shouldn’t (so we couldn’t get out) even though there were plenty of empty parking spaces around and he did it so just because he wouldn’t have to make more than three steps to the chair where he would sit his ass down, yes, that really hit my “liver” (don’t laugh, in Slovenian we also say “you get on my liver”, not just nerves) and that was the time when I realise what it means, smiling with liver.
So, whenever you stumble across an asshole, you say to him all he needs to hear from you if necessary (even though the most unbelievable thing is that in most cases you’ll be yelled at at the end, just like you’re the one to blame for bothering him) and then you smile with your liver and feel much better immediately, while an asshole remains… a big asshole. :)
It’s true that it’s Friday and is a beautiful day in May, but sometimes you just have enough (not taking into account all the politics and everyday injusticeness!) and you afford yourself (intentionally) to use some juicy words, trying very hard not to be too unacceptable for a public posting.
Have a great weekend, go and experience some nature if possible (these pictures are from Rožnik hill) and smile with your liver! :)
No, tale z jetri mi je pa všeč in si jo bom skušala zapomnit, da me naslednjič kakšna takšna egoistična rit spet ne bo spravila s tira. Sploh sem najbolj alergična na 'prehitevalce vrst'.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, nekateri res živijo, kot da se jim morajo vsi drugi umikat s poti, neverjetno! Jih ne maram. In se jim ne dam! :)