nedelja, 20. maj 2012

Iz balona
From a balloon

Miro ponavadi nima časa, da bi napravil kakšne kakovostnejše posnetke vseh tistih lepih pogledov, ki se mu odpirajo iz balona, ker je pač zaposlen s pilotiranjem, a vseeno se potrudi in na hitro naredi vsaj enega ali dva z mobilnim telefonom, tako kot danes, ko je letel tik ob blejskem gradu.

S kamero, pritrjeno na konstrukcijo košare, pa običajno posname celoten polet. Ko konča z montažo današnjega posnetka, ga objavim. Vzame ti dih!

Miro usually has no time to take proper photographs of those beautiful views from the balloon, because he’s of course occupied by piloting, but he does try to take at least one or two quick ones with a mobile phone, just like he did today when he flew very close to the castle above Lake Bled.

He even makes videos of flights with a camera attached to the balloon basket construction. I’ll post the video of today’s flight when he’ll finish editing it. Just breathtaking!

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