torek, 19. junij 2012

Oskorjene klapavice
Mussel gratin

Tale slastna pojedina je torej nastala iz drugega dela klapavic, ki sem jih zadnjič pritovorila domov.
Miro and I made this delicious dish out of the second half of the mussels I brought home the other day.

Izbrala sem tale recept. (ker nisva imela belega vina, sva ga nadomestila kar z rdečim, od tod tudi barva nadeva)

Mimogrede: v SSKJ-ju sem prebrala, da je slovenski izraz za gratinirati oskórjiti (ej, všeč mi je!), torej oskorjene klapavice. :)

We took the meat out of cooked mussels, spread butter on better looking shell-halves and put the meat back on each. Then we mixed together grated parmesan, crumbs, wine, salt, pepper, chopped parsley and a bit of water left from cooking the mussels. We covered each with this stuffing and put them in the oven for ten minutes. (the red colour is because of red wine we used, since we ran out of white)

1 komentar:

  1. Priznati moram, da smo včasih pojedli toliko školjk doma, ker smo jih oboževali, da so nam dejansko prišle preko glave :) Tako mi danes gredo bolj težko po grlu, ampak vsekakor bi probala kakšno oskorjeno :)


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