Prejšnji teden sva imeli s prijateljico možnost, da pobližje spoznava školjkarstvo. Pod vodstvom enega prav simpatično zgovornega školjkarja. :)
Pera Mikša je tiste vrste gospod, ki se mi zdi, da mu ni najljubše, če ga ogovoriš z gospodom, ne zaradi lažne skromnosti ali občutka nevrednosti, saj je v njem več gospoda kot v marsikaterem običajnem gospodu, ampak ker najbrž ve, da je to ena najbolj precenjenih besed v današnjem času, hja, je pač izgubila pomen.
Na začetku sva se mu verjetno zdeli dve fini Ljubljančanki (o, kako ne maram tega, da nekdo dobi tak vtis o meni, kar tako, stereotipno, vnaprej), pa smo hitro našli skupno besedo, koneckoncev je celo priznal, da je v bistvu Šiškar. :)
Popeljal naju je torej s svojo barko po sečoveljskih vodah in nama razkazal svoje delo ter podrobno in s takim zanosom razlagal o vseh podrobnostih nama dokaj neznanega področja.
Mislim, uau! Kako ne bi človek postal navdušen tudi sam, ko vidi to ljubezen do dela, to preprostost, ki je takole za ekranom nikakor ne moremo doživeti. Stik z zemljo. Z morjem. Poseješ, žanješ, prodaš, kupiš. Pa spet poseješ itd. To je to. Zelo zemeljsko in oprijemljivo, ne neko ukvarjanje z navideznimi števili in virtualno gradnjo sveta.
Vem, da táko življenje ni tako preprosto in vem, da je v moji glavi vse skupaj čisto preveč romantično, pa kaj naj? – naključje je hotelo, da tudi tokrat naletim na enega takega posrečenega morskega mačka, ki te moje predstave pač ni ovrgel, saj tudi on svoj način sobivanja z naravo čuti kot poezijo.
Skratka, bili sva popolnoma očarani, kajpavem, morda je k temu malo pripomoglo tudi dejstvo, da nama je obema od nekdaj že tako ali tako zelo všeč morje, ja, celo zelo. Tisti vonj, veter, okus, šúmi, barve, pozibavanje, tisti nek neopisljiv občutek svobode in da je vse mogoče, predvsem pa mi je všeč, ker odplavajo vse skrbi.
In v tem primeru še kup školjk za domov! :) (en del moje polovice je še isti večer končal takole, drugi pa že pripravljen čaka na objavo)
My friend and I, we had an opportunity last week to get to know shellfish-growing business a bit. Under guidance of one cleverly chatable shellfish grower, quite a character! :)
Pera Mikša is that kind of gospod, mister, for whom I suspect does not like to be called gospod, not because of false modesty or the feeling of unworthiness, as there is much more gospod in him than in many of the ordinary gospods, but because he probably knows that this word is so overrated these days, well, it has lost its meaning.
At the beginning he probably thought we’re some fancy ladies from the capital (oh, how I don’t like it when people get that kind of stereotypical impression about me, just like that in advance), but very soon we were in the same team and after all he admitted he’s actually from Ljubljana, too! :)
So, he took us with his boat across the waters of Sečovlje and showed us his work and was explaining us with such an enthusiasm every little detail of this work of which we’ve hardly knew little about.
I mean, wow! How could one not be enthusiastic, too, when one sees all the love put into the work, the simplicity that one cannot experience by sitting behind a screen. A contact with a soil. With a sea. You sow, you reap, you sell, you buy. And then you sow again. This is it. Very earthy and tangible, not like dealing with imaginary numbers and with virtual constructing of the world.
I’m aware that this kind of life is not simple and I know that in my head it is way too much romantic, but what can I do? – the coincidence wanted me to once again bump into one witty old sea dog that couldn’t negate my opinion at all, as he also feels his coexistence with nature is like a poetry.
Anyway, we were totally impressed, I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that both of us have been in love with the sea from ever anyway, even very much. That smell, the wind, sounds, colours, swaying and that indescribable feeling of the infinitive possibilities and freedom, but most of all I like that all the worries swim away.
Plus in this case a bunch of mussels to take home! :) (one part of my half ended like that the very same evening and the other is already waiting to be posted)
Koliko škoooljk! Verjamem, da sta uživali ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiM., res je, super dan je bil. Pozdrav z manjšim zamikom! :)
IzbrišiSuper je srečati takšne ljudi in doživeti prijeten dan in se povrh še česa naučiti. Vidim, da vama nič od tega ni manjkalo. Superca za ta dan.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, toliko novih stvari sva izvedeli, zares zanimivo.