nedelja, 30. junij 2013
petek, 28. junij 2013
Tik pred ščipom
Just before a full moon
Prejšnji teden je prinesel veliko razlogov za praznovanje; poletje, rojstni dan in skorajšnji ščip.
Lots of reasons for celebrating last week; summer, birthday and upcoming full moon.
Lots of reasons for celebrating last week; summer, birthday and upcoming full moon.
Oznake / Labels:
Vsakdan / Everyday
sreda, 26. junij 2013
torek, 25. junij 2013
Bolj žalostno je vse skupaj po 22 letih,
ampak vsi, ki dobro v srcu mislimo, se ne damo, ane!
Vztrajno preganjamo malodušje, plehkost in brezvestnost
ter smo še naprej s široko odprtimi čuti vneto na preži za lepoto,
iščoč vžigalice dobrih (za)misli, ki bi zanetile to seme neskončnih (z)možnosti …
… ker drugače preprosto ne znamo.
Statehood Day!
ampak vsi, ki dobro v srcu mislimo, se ne damo, ane!
Vztrajno preganjamo malodušje, plehkost in brezvestnost
ter smo še naprej s široko odprtimi čuti vneto na preži za lepoto,
iščoč vžigalice dobrih (za)misli, ki bi zanetile to seme neskončnih (z)možnosti …
… ker drugače preprosto ne znamo.
Statehood Day!
Oznake / Labels:
Razmišljanja / Thinking
ponedeljek, 24. junij 2013
nedelja, 23. junij 2013
Mamini afterejti, narejeni po tem receptu, le da je agavin sirup zamenjal med.
My mum used this raw-food recipe to make aftereights,
adjusting it slightly by using honey instead of agave syrup.
Oznake / Labels:
Domača kuha / Home cooking
petek, 21. junij 2013
Etnografski muzej mi je eden ljubših. Teh nekaj utrinkov sem ujela v njem;
Ethnographic museum has always been one of my favourites. Here are just a few captured details:
Kako preprosto lepo! How simply beautiful!
Z Mirom sva rekla, da bi imela namesto kavne mizice
eno takole umetelno izrezljano ali/in poslikano skrinjo. Mogoče pa!
Miro’s and my wish is to have one such old traditional carved
or/and painted chest at home instead of coffee table. Maybe we will!
Znameniti plašč Dedka Mraza! :) The famous coat of Dedek Mraz! :)
Miro je končno prišel na svoj račun in poskusil nekaj, kar si je vedno želel,
ter potem navdušeno gruntal, kako fino bi bilo tole stvarco imeti doma. :)
Miro finally tried something he has always wished – grinding with a millstone –
Miro finally tried something he has always wished – grinding with a millstone –
and then enthusiastically pondering the possibilities of having one at home. :)
Oznake / Labels:
Skrinja / Ethno
sreda, 19. junij 2013
Ne vem, smešno mi je, tale vsesplošna obsedenost s smutiji; oh, kako se izogibam takemu poimenovanju, pa me zaradi bombardiranja z vseh strani včasih le zanese, ali pa, kljub temu, da počasi postajam alergična na ta izraz, enostavno popustim, ker je protitok premočan. :)
Kaj nismo tega počeli že od nekdaj – delali takele napitke? Samo da se jim je takrat reklo sok, oziroma, tako med nami, po domače – džus. Ja, zmiksana sadje in zelenjava, pa kakšni kosmiči, jogurt, voda, med, karkoli. V kavarnah so od nekdaj ponujali šejke in frapeje. Še vedno jih ponujajo. Napitke z enako vsebino, le da zdaj piše zraven smoothie. Ko bi vsaj smuti.
Razlika med nekoč in danes je le v tem, da je zdaj na razpolago mnogo več stvari, torej več eksotike pri živilih, v tehnološkem razvoju gospodinjskih strojčkov, ki omogočajo vedno več, in v znanju oziroma že kar poplavi informacij, kjer lahko izveš marsikaj
Drugače pa smo doma od nekdaj delali sokove, džuse, no, smutije, če hočete, se pravi že davno preden so postali tak hit (tale zgoraj je izpod sestrinih rok, ko smo punce praznovale). Kaj pa vem, premišljujem, dopuščam možnost, da me je meni neko nevidno bistvo vsega tega smutijevanja obšlo in zato zdajle poznavalcem izpadem zelo neuka, hm.
Čeprav! – je pa tudi ena pozitivna stvar pri vsem skupaj; če ne drugega, jih ljudje zdaj množično pijejo, tudi tisti, ki jih, če ne bi šlo za modno muho, sicer nikoli ne bi; in kar je dobro, ni slabo! :)
I don't know, I really don't understand all this obsession with smoothies, oh how I resist to name it like this, but because this word is bombing me from allaround I sometimes get carried away or just give up, since I don’t have enough strength to fight this any more.
Haven’t we been doing this since like forever – making such drinks? It is just that we used to call it juice. Yes, mixed fruit and vegetables, with some flakes, yoghurt, water, honey or whatever. In cafes there were frappes and shakes since I remember. They still offer them, drinks with the same content but different name – smoothie.
The difference between then and now is just that today there are many more stuff, more exotic food, technological development of household appliances enable more creativity and new knowledge gives us more ideas what to mix.
Anyhow, in my family we have always been doing such juices, well, smoothies, if you prefer, that is – long before they became this hit (the one above is made by my sister when we girls got together and celebrated). Well, what do I know, I am allowing the possibility that my opinion is a mistake and that the core of all this smoothie-ing bypassed me and therefore I seem uneducated, hm.
Even though! – there is one positive thing at all this; if nothing else many people who would never drink something like this, they do it now just because it is fashionable; and what is good isn’t bad! :)
Oznake / Labels:
Domača kuha / Home cooking,
Punce / Girls,
Vsakdan / Everyday
torek, 18. junij 2013
Le petit prince
Če lahko drevo postane sadna kupa s smetano, lahko deček postane karkoli.
[očarljiva, presunljiva in optimistična fotografska razstava o dečku z mišično distrofijo in njegovih sanjah]
If a tree can become a fruit cup with cream, then a boy can become whatever he wants.
[a charming, moving and optimistic photo exhibition about a boy with muscular dystrophy and his dreams]
Oznake / Labels:
Likovno / Visual,
Razstava / Exhibition
nedelja, 16. junij 2013
Kolo, ki povezuje
The wheel that connects
Tole sodobno kolo avta je po navdihu dediščine svojih aboriginskih prednikov čudovito poslikal avstralski umetnik, jaz pa sem si končno ogledala pradavno, 5200 let staro kolo, menda najstarejše leseno kolo na svetu, ki so ga našli prav pri nas, na Barju, na Vrhniki.
Ko sem ga gledala, sem zadrževala dih in premišljevala, da se je vrtel in pomagal takratnim ljudem pri svojih opravilih prav na območju med mojim in Mirovim rojstnim mestom. Kako noro je to! :)
This modern wheel belongs to the car that was beautifully painted by Australian artist with the technique of his aboriginal ancestors and finally I did see another wheel, the famous 5200 years old ancient wheel, supposedly the oldest wooden wheel in the world. It was found in Slovenia, at Ljubljana Moor.
I was holding my breath looking at it and thinking about how it was wheeling around helping people of that time in the area just between Miro’s and my birth towns. How cool is this! :)
Oznake / Labels:
Kultura / Culture,
Mestno / Urban,
Odlično / Excellent,
Utrip / Lifevibes
sobota, 15. junij 2013
Rdečebelo in belordeče
Redwhite and whitered
Konec šolskega leta, ijeee! :) Izdelano po moji predlogi.
The end of the school year, yaaay! :) Designed by me.
Del briških češenj, ki jih je posebej za naju z Mirom prinesel dedek.
A part of famous cherries from Brda that my grandpa brought especially for Miro and me.
Oznake / Labels:
Oblikovanje / Design,
Tradicionalne jedi / Traditional dishes
torek, 11. junij 2013
Kruhki se sončijo
Little breads sunbathing
Takele kruhke sva prejšnji teden naredila z Mirom. Po tem receptu. Če odmislimo zamudno namakanje in sušenje (ker sušilnika - še - nimava, mamin pa dimenzijsko ni primeren, sva uporabila pečico in proti koncu kar ljubo sonce), je izdelava precej enostavna.
Iz opisanega recepta prideta 2 pladnja oziroma 40 malih zelo okusnih kvadratkov, ki na hladnem zdržijo ves teden. Menda. Slednjega namreč nisva uspela preveriti. :)
Last week Miro and I made these little raw square breads made of buckwheat, flaxseeds, zucchinis, carrots and onion, using this recipe (in Slovenian only), many hours of soaking (buckwheat overnight) and drying (we did not use only an oven but at the end also dear sun).
They were so easy to make, very delicious and they last for a whole week if you store them in cool and dry place. Supposedly. We’ve never had a chance to test this. :)
Oznake / Labels:
Domača kuha / Home cooking
ponedeljek, 10. junij 2013
Namesto kaktusa
Instead of the cactus
[na zadnjem posnetku / in the last picture: KAKI]
Zadnjič sem se odpravila k dedku, da bi posnela kaktus, ki da menda lepo cveti,
vsaj tako se mi je hvalil in mi prigovarjal, naj vendar že pridem s fotoaparatom.
Kaktusa nisem našla, dedka ni bilo doma, ampak moj objektiv vseeno ni ostal lačen.
My grandpa, praising one of his wonderfully blooming cactuses,
had been persuading me to come with my camera already, so I went there the other day.
I did not find it and grandpa was not at home, but even so my camera did not stay hungry.
vsaj tako se mi je hvalil in mi prigovarjal, naj vendar že pridem s fotoaparatom.
Kaktusa nisem našla, dedka ni bilo doma, ampak moj objektiv vseeno ni ostal lačen.
My grandpa, praising one of his wonderfully blooming cactuses,
had been persuading me to come with my camera already, so I went there the other day.
I did not find it and grandpa was not at home, but even so my camera did not stay hungry.
Oznake / Labels:
Pomlad / Spring
nedelja, 9. junij 2013
Tri rdeče
Three reds
Mmm, mami je naredila tele presne kroglice iz fig, datljev, kokosovega masla, kakava,
limonine lupine, cimeta, kajenskega popra, sezama, čia semen in konopljine moke.
Mmm, my mum made these raw balls of figs, dates, coconut butter, cocoa,
lemon zest, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, sesame, chia seeds and hemp flour.
limonine lupine, cimeta, kajenskega popra, sezama, čia semen in konopljine moke.
Mmm, my mum made these raw balls of figs, dates, coconut butter, cocoa,
lemon zest, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, sesame, chia seeds and hemp flour.
Oznake / Labels:
Domača kuha / Home cooking,
Pomlad / Spring
sobota, 8. junij 2013
Dobro jutro, Ljubljana
Good morning, Ljubljana
Ljubljanska tržnica me bolj prevzame in mi s svojo ponudbo
povzroča več skušnjav kot katerakoli trgovina s cunjicami, zares!
A visit of the Central Ljubljana farmer’s market on a Saturday morning,
even when it is still wrapped in fog,
is the most amazing experience one can get in the capital.
Its offer is causing me far more temptations than any clothes store, really!
povzroča več skušnjav kot katerakoli trgovina s cunjicami, zares!
A visit of the Central Ljubljana farmer’s market on a Saturday morning,
even when it is still wrapped in fog,
is the most amazing experience one can get in the capital.
Its offer is causing me far more temptations than any clothes store, really!
Oznake / Labels:
Images of Slovenia,
Kultura / Culture,
Mestno / Urban
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