sreda, 31. julij 2013

V Peško po peško
To Pit to get a pit

Šele ko so nama ponudili vsakemu eno pèško za srečo, naju je doletelo razsvetljenje, da Pecka, malo mestece na severu Češke, pomeni točno to – pečko, peško! :)

S peškama v žepih sva tako popotovala po Češki in naredila veliko posnetkov, ki vam jih pokažem v naslednjih objavah.

It was only after we were each offered to take one cherry pit for luck we got an enlightenment that Pecka, a little town in northern Czech Republic, means the same like the word peška [= a seed, a pit] in our language! :)

With the pits in our pockets we then travelled around Czech land and made a lot of photos which I will show you in the next posts.

četrtek, 25. julij 2013

Moja oljna zbirka
My oil collection

Kakšna prednost je, če imaš rojstni dan poleti, da ti vsi nosijo lokalne dobrote z morja. :) Zapuščina tokratnega rojstnodnevnega praznovanja je tudi obnovitev moje oljne zbirke. Krasno, saj običajnih krem ne uporabljam že dolgo. Tole je mnogo bolje.

Prva steklenička, jojobino olje, je od staršev, zadnja, oljčno olje z Murterja, od sestrične, srednja dva pa sta oba domača zvarka, smilj v oljčnem olju.

Levega od teh dveh mi je po stari navadi s Paga prinesla prijateljica, desnega pa z istega otoka mami in sestra, ki sta to počeli prvič, rabutali smilj namreč, ga nato namočili v tam kupljeno domače olje in ga, skupaj s priznanjem, da upata, da sta nabrali smilj in ne kaj drugega, vse veseli, sijoči in zagoreli prinesli naravnost na žur. :)

Hecna stvar je, da so se vse tri na Pagu seveda srečale in sestra ter prijateljica sta se pogovarjali, kaj mi bosta kupili, da ne bi prišlo do enakih daril, ampak kot vidite … :)

Glavno je, da bomo spet lepi, dišeči in zdravi! :)

Isn’t it an advantage to celebrate in the summer, so everybody can bring goodies from the sea-holidays. :) The result of our birthday’s celebration is also my renovated oil collection. Great, because I have not been using classic creams for a long time already. This is so much better.

The little bottle, jojoba oil, is from my parents, the dark one, olive oil from Murter island in Croatia, is from my cousin and the middle ones are both home prepared, immortelle in olive oil.

The left one from these two was as an old habit brought to me from Pag island in Croatia by my best friend and the right one by my mum and my sister from the same island. Unlike the friend, both my mum and my sister did this for the first time, namely, picking those flowers and soak them in the local home produced olive oil. They brought it to our party directly from the holidays, all happy, shiny and suntanned, together with a confession that they are not sure they had picked the right flowers. :)

The funny thing is that they all met in Pag island and my sister and friend talked about what to bring me, to avoid doubling the present, but as you can see … :)

What matters is that we’re going to be beautiful, aromatic and healthy again! :)

sreda, 24. julij 2013

Sadje in čokolada
Fruit and chocolate

Mirova mami je, ko nama je izročila darilo [slika 2], rekla: hitro na hladno z vsem tem, ker je med vožnjo nastal skoraj kompot! :) Res sva naredila tako, naslednji dan pa nama je Miro zmešal božanski sok. 

Moja mami pa je, po tem, ko je videla, da saherca, ki jo je naročila očiju, naj nama jo kupi za rojstni dan, ker ona ob povratku z morja naravnost na zabavo ne bo imela časa za »peko«, pač ni isto, nama je v naslednjih dneh vseeno takoj naredila eno tisto najboljšo, presno, za dušico. [sliki 1 in 3] :)

When Miro’s mother gave us our birthday present [picture 2] she said: quick, put it in a cool place, it nearly became compote during the drive! :) We did so immediately and the next day Miro mixed us a delicious juice out of it.

My mum asked my dad to buy a sacher cake for us, because she will not have time to do the “baking” after invading to the party directly from her holidays. But because that cake isn’t what we are all used to, in the following days once again she made us one of her own, that the best kind, a raw one, for a soul. [pictures 1 and 3] :)

ponedeljek, 22. julij 2013

Postavitev mlajev

Prvič sem bila na postavljanju mlajev mladoporočencema. Bilo je tako noro kot zabavno. Šefe teh mladcev se je drl nanje kot v vojski, res, še jaz sem poskočila vsakič, ko je zakričal :), ampak prav je tako – njihova varnost je le na prvem mestu.

In Slovenia, when two people get married, there is a tradition to raise a mlaj (like a maypole) in front of a bride’s house a few days earlier, when they usually have a pre-wedding party.

It is a spruce, with all branches and bark being removed except on the top of it, decorated with colourful ribbons and a wreath. There are always two of them in the entrance of a yard, holding a wooden board with a sign wishing good luck to both of them in between.

This was the first time I witnessed the raising and it was both awesome and fun. The captain of a group of young men doing all this work was giving them orders by yelling to them so much I jumped every time he shouted, really! :) But of course, it should be so – their safety is in the first place.

četrtek, 18. julij 2013

Poročno darilo
A wedding gift

AVGUSTvarjanja slika na steklu za poročno darilo.
Da mi jima bila skupna pot z rožicami postlana. :)

AVGUSTvarjanja painting on glass for a wedding present.
Let their joined path be sprinkled with flowers. :)

torek, 16. julij 2013

Medsosedski incident
Inter-neighboural incident

Miro je včeraj pri zalivanju vrta kar konkretno (in, kot je rekel, ponesreči, ker ga je hecala črpalka) zalil sosedo na drugi strani ograje in to takoj po tem, ko si je reva umila lase in naredila pričesko.

Na srečo je bila nežna deževnica in gospa mu seveda ni zamerila, že tako ali tako, ker je pač zelo prijazna, mislim pa, da ga je še posebej rešilo dejstvo, da ji je ravno malo pred tem na njeno prošnjo razlagal en recept. :)

No, nesrečnega medsoseskega incidenta, ki je vključeval tudi smeh nekaterih navzočih sosedov :), nisem posnela, sem pa zato nebo nad cerkniško cerkvijo nekaj dni pred tem.

Yesterday when Miro was watering the garden he concretely (and, as he said, accidentally, because he had problems with the pump) watered also our neighbour across the fence, just after the poor lady washed and made her hair.

Luckily it was gentle rain water and of course she didn’t resent him, because she is a very nice person, but the fact, that just before it all happened he was explaining to her one of the recipes she wanted to know, saved him, too, I believe. :)

Well, I haven’t photographed the unfortunate inter-neighboural incident which included also laughter of some other neighbours :), but I did take a picture of the sky above the church in Cerknica a few days earlier instead.

nedelja, 14. julij 2013

Najdeno ob poti
Found by the road

Sklop treh krasnih starih stavb na Dolenjskem.

A set of three beautiful old buildings in Dolenjska region.

sobota, 13. julij 2013

Mali in véliki M
The little and the big M

Ravnokar sem šla v kuhinjo, vrgla oko na testo iz tritikalne moke
za kruh, ki ga Miro dela, in videla tole. :)

I just went to kitchen, noticed the dough from triticale flour
for bread Miro is making and saw this. :)

četrtek, 11. julij 2013


Zaradi tlorisa triperesne deteljice je zelška cerkvica, ta renesančni arhitekturni spomenik, ki ga je v svoji Slavi vojvodine Kranjske omenjal že Valvasor, kako blagodejen vpliv da ima, edinstven v Sloveniji in spokojno kraljuje sredi širnih notranjskih poletnih travnikov.

Tam mi je Miro nabral najlepši šopek, ki sva ga potem zataknila za brisalec in veselostnega srca odbrzela naprej.

Because of the three-leaf clover ground plan the Zelše church is unique in Slovenia. It is a renaissance monument reigning in the middle of beautiful summer meadows in Notranjska region and was mentioned already in one of the most famous books in our literature history, written by Valvasor, saying that the church has beneficial effects.

In that beautiful place Miro picked the loveliest little bouquet for me, which we later stuck behind windshield wiper and merrily drove forward.

sreda, 10. julij 2013


Ko naju je, sklepam, da, avtor postavitve v odprtem avditoriju na ploščadi pred SEM-om povabil, naj prideva dol in tudi midva prižgeva kakšno svečko za čakajoče jajčke-lampijončke, sva to seveda z veseljem storila, a potem so se Miru oči zasvetile kot otroku in ga ni bilo za ustaviti. :) Res, lepo je bilo za opazovati, tako lampijončke kot Mira.

[No, Miru se je tistega dne sploh dogajalo. :)]

When the author of this installation invited us to come down to participate in lighting a candle or two for the waiting egg-lampions, we did it by a great pleasure, but then Miro got sparkles in his eyes, like a child, and one could not have stopped him. :) Really, it was beautiful to watch, both lampions and Miro.

[Well, there was a lot of going on for Miro in general that day. :)]

torek, 9. julij 2013

Poletje pred poletjem
Summer before summer

Sredi junija je bila Poletna muzejska noč, kljub temu da takrat uradno sicer še ni poletje.
Pa koga to briga, če ga znajo tako lepo pričarati. Med drugimi smo obiskali tudi SEM.

In the middle of June there was the annual Museum Summer Night,

even though in the time of the event is not officially summer yet.
But who cares if they can bring us that magical summer feeling so well.
Among others we visited SEM.
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