Že jutro je obetalo lep izlet, a nastalo je še veliko več kot to.
Zašla sva v tak lep sončen - in končno zimski – dan, da vse krasote kar nisem mogla vpiti vase in sem Miru vsakič, ko so naju iznenada presenetili drugi pohodniki, potihem potožila, joj, kok mi je nerodno, sploh jih nisem prej opazila, jaz se pa derem kot en otrok! :)
Vse se je bleščalo v soncu, na lica se nama je neprestano vsipal sneg z dreves, na vsake toliko sva se ustavila, zaprla oči in pustila tej zlati sneženi mani, da naju prekrije s sončnim zdravjem. Ni je boljše obrazne lepotne terapije.
Gozd je bil ves v lesketajočih se meglicah, pršilo je tako zelo, da se mi je moj ubogi fotoaparat kar zasmilil, ko ga je zametavalo, ja, zaradi pršeče veselice sem komaj fotografirala, pa vseeno ravno le-te ne ujela, z vej so neprestano padale take količine snega, da sva se počutila kot v finalu tekme v kepanju. Kakšna veselica! In nasmejana lica. :)
It was already the morning that was promising a beautiful hike, but what happened was so much more than this.
We walked into such sunny – and finally wintery – day. I was overwhelmed by the fact that I just can not absorb all that gorgeousness, so every time that some other hikers surprised us I quietly said to Miro: oh dear, I’m so embarrassed, I didn’t see them coming at all and was screaming like a child! :)
Everything was shining in the sun, our cheeks were constantly dusted by the snow spraying from trees and every now and then we stopped, closed our eyes and let that golden snowy mana cover us with sunny health. There is no better facial beauty therapy than this.
The forest was all in glittering mists, the snow-showers were so intense that my poor camera hardly survived, yes, because of those naughty showers I hardly photographed, but even though couldn’t catch them just because of them. There were snowballs falling down from the branches, constantly and so many that we felt like competing in a snowball-throwing finale. Such joy! And happy faces. :)
Čudovit dotik fotografij ...
OdgovoriIzbrišiVse dobro ...
Hvala! :)
IzbrišiWinter finally came! We've been having snow for a second day now. A strong wind, no sun and the freezing about 10 degrees under the zero. So since yesterday in the afternoon, I stay at home, enjoy the "live" fire in the stove, write a puppet dramatization, drink coffee, papercut and feel fine... Home, sweet home! But when it stops snowing, probably I'll go out with the camera, as you did!:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSounds like a great plan, Rossichka! :)
IzbrišiHere we thought winter already decided to skip this season, but now, for couple of days, it’s showing us its white teeth. On fortunately it is not too cold.
So, there is no other option but enjoy it, what else! :)