ponedeljek, 6. oktober 2014

Kot veter
Like a wind

Na sprehodih, na tistih običajnih, naša zverinica zelo hitro naštudira vse skupaj in potem, če ji dovoliš prosto letanje naokoli, preveč samozavestno ubira pot kar nekaj deset metrov pred teboj.

Zato kdaj pa kdaj na kakem križišču prej kot običajno namenoma skrenem drugam in se potem, tudi če sem sama, smejim v pričakovanju, kdaj bo zasvetil alarm. In čez nekaj trenutkov daleč za seboj zaslišim tak paničen topot, kot da bi me dohiteval dirkalni konj, mimo mene švigne kot veter in nato pred mano stoji pohlevna ovčka, ki se dela, da ji ni nerodno. Smešno, tako smešno, da se ne da opisati! :)
No, za nekaj časa je potem mir. Na vsakem razpotju se ustavi in nestrpno čaka, kdaj bom nakazala, v katero smer grem. Včasih ji za nagrado, ker počaka, z roko nakažem, še preden sama dospem do razpotja, in potem vsa vesela nori dalje.

On the usual walks, our little beast too smartly calculates all together and then, if you let her chase around freely, she too confidently lead the way quite a number of tens of meters in front of you.

This is the reason that from time to time I take another direction as usual and then, even if I am alone, smilingly anticipating her alarm to ring. And a few moments later I hear a panic thunder far behind my back, just like a racing horse catching me, after few seconds a strong wind passes me and then there stands a humble little sheep in front of me, who acts like she is not embarrassed. Funny, so funny it’s impossible to describe! :)
Well, for a while, this thing is settled. After this, she stops at every crossroad and impatiently waits my direction-intentions. Sometimes, as a reward for waiting me, I sign her with my hand in advance and then she runs ahead like crazy again.

2 komentarja:

  1. He he, dobro opisano, kot bi bila se sama zraven. Ja, zivali so zabavne :)

  2. Te naše kosmate sreče se znajo na sprehodih zelo zabavati in nas nasmejati:)


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