Seveda sem kot marsikateri otrok od nekdaj rada risala in slikala.
Ampak! – ker je moj oči arhitekt in arhitekti ne morejo brez perspektive, mi je pokazal, da rožice, ki sem jih takrat risala, pač niso vse enako velike, če so različno oddaljene od tebe.
S tem se nisem strinjala. Odločno sem zagovarjala svoje stališče, da je roža pač roža in da zakaj je treba narisati eno manjšo kot drugo, če sta v resnici obe enako veliki ne glede na to, kje sta (zdaj vidim, da je bilo moje stališče bolj filozofske narave).
Toda ne samo to, da je bila risbica tak hit in se je obdržala na steni vsaj še eno leto, ampak sem se v tistem letu očitno tudi zelo zresnila! :)
As so many children I also liked to draw and paint .
But! – because my father is an architect and architects can’t live without their perspectives, he showed me that little flowers which I was painting at the moment aren’t all the same size if they are differently far away from you.
I couldn’t agree with that. I determinately defended my point of view that a flower is just a flower and therefore why should I draw them in different sizes if they are in fact all the same size no matter where they are (now I see that this stand of mine was quite philosophical).
This painting was such a hit that kept hanging on that wall at least for a year, and it also looks like I got very serious meanwhile! :)
moja "perspektivna" slika v ozadju na moj rojstni dan;
my "perspective" painting in the background at my birthday:
my "perspective" painting in the background at my birthday:

eno leto kasneje ob isti priložnosti (s sestro in starima staršema);
one year later at the same occasion (with my sister and grandparents):
one year later at the same occasion (with my sister and grandparents):

[Korenine so otroštvo, družinska tradicija, predmeti, ki imajo posebno čustveno vrednost in dogodki, ki me zaznamujejo.
Srce je moja sedanjost, so predmeti, ki označujejo skupno življenje z mojim ljubim in dogodki, ki naju še bolj združujejo.
Če dobro pomislim, so korenine in srce eno in isto, korenine so v mojem srcu, srce pa poganja nove, sveže korenine.]
On the second thought, the roots and the heart are basically one thing; the roots are in my heart and the heart is spreading new, fresh roots.]
[Korenine so otroštvo, družinska tradicija, predmeti, ki imajo posebno čustveno vrednost in dogodki, ki me zaznamujejo.
Srce je moja sedanjost, so predmeti, ki označujejo skupno življenje z mojim ljubim in dogodki, ki naju še bolj združujejo.
Če dobro pomislim, so korenine in srce eno in isto, korenine so v mojem srcu, srce pa poganja nove, sveže korenine.]
Srce is my heart, my present life, my ljubi, with objects which are important for our joined paths and moments that are bringing us even closer to each other.
[Korenine are my roots, my childhood, family tradition; they are objects that have a special emotional value for me and events that have defined me somehow.
On the second thought, the roots and the heart are basically one thing; the roots are in my heart and the heart is spreading new, fresh roots.]
tisto leto si očitno veliko prav po filozofsko razmišljala, kako bi se sicer mogla takooo zelo zresniti? :))
OdgovoriIzbrišip.s. imela si prav. s filozofskega in hortikulturnega stališča :))
Haha, no, vsaj nekaj :)