Prepričana sem, da je Holly pesnica! Njene ilustracije so kot nizanje besed. Besed, mehkih kot peresa, in črnih črk, ostrih kot krempelj, s pridihom minljivosti.
Všeč mi je njena barvna paleta in filigranska obdelava detajlov. Prizori narave izgledajo kot čipke, te ptice, hrošči, komarji, muhe in ostale žuželke pa so najlepša muzejska zbirka, popredalčkana v večni krog in razvrščena v morbidno-sveže vzorce.
Vse skupaj pa lebdi v svobodni belini, se napaja s skrivnostjo življenja in gnézdi v samem bistvu.
I’m sure that Holly is a poet! Her illustrations are like juxtaposing words. Words soft as feathers and black letters sharp as a claw, with a touch of ephemerality.
I like her colour palette and filigree processed details. Images of nature seem like lace and those birds, bugs, mosquitoes, flies and other insects look like the most beautiful museum collection, compartmentalised into an eternal circle and sorted into morbid-fresh patterns.
Altogether floats in a free whiteness, it feeds with a mystery of life and it nests in the essence itself.
You don’t need a key to view Golly Bard’s collection.
Končno sonce! Vedno se ga razveselim, kako da ne, ampak moram takoj dodati, da mi je megla na nek čuden način tudi všeč.
Zato, ker včasih rabim melanholijo, taka pač sem, všeč so mi prehajanja, kontrasti in raznolikost, všeč mi je odkrivati nesamoumevne privlačnosti in všeč mi je, ker ponuja pričakovanje.
Ko je megla, smo sami s sabo in moramo iz sebe izbezati tisto nekaj, kar nas drži pokonci. Je veliko bolj naporno, ampak nekako… tŕpko, skrivnostno lepó. Všeč mi je, ker moram takrat v sebi iskati sonce.
Finally the sun! We’ve been having fog for the last couple of weeks here in lowlands. I’m always happy to have a sunny day, how could I not be, but I must add that in some odd way I like fog, too.
Because sometimes I need melancholy, that’s the way I am, I like transitions, contrasts and diversity, I like to reveal non-self-evident attractions and I like it because it offers an expectation.
When there is fog the company of ourselves is all there is and we have to dig up that something that keeps us going from inside of us. It’s much more difficult and yet somehow... bitter, mysteriously beautiful. I like it, because that’s when I must search the sun inside of me.
Ja, vrh Osovnika se je včeraj kopal v soncu. Pod nama pa morje megle, iz katere je komajda štrlel tudi otoček s cerkvico, ki sem ga označila s puščico, Sv. Jakob.
Miro je tokrat končno pritisnil prvi žig v svojo popotniško beležko in zraven pripisal nekaj besed. Odkar sem mu jo podarila, nisva kaj veliko hodila naokoli, če pa že, sva jo pozabila doma.
Spet pa sva pozabila vzeti s sabo pijačo, tako da sva v obe smeri oblizovala ivnate veje. To tako ali tako počnem vsako zimo, že od nekdaj! :)
Ja, the top of Osovnik hill was bathing in the sun yesterday. Beneath us there was a sea of fog and among others there was this tiny island with a little church peaking out of it – Sv. Jakob hill - that I marked it with an arrow.
It was the first time that Miro stamped and signed a hike into his travelling notebook since I gave it to him. Finally! We haven’t done much of these hill-hikes since then, but when we did, we forgot it at home.
Yesterday we also forgot to take some drink with us, so we were licking frost from branches whenever we felt to. I’ve been doing it anyway every winter for as long as I remember! :)
Resda sva se na Osovnik odpravila z namenom, da najdeva sonce, pa vendar je bila hoja do vrha po meglenih stezicah prava pravljica zase.
Po tleh oranžno-rjava preproga, veje obrobljene belo, vonj po gozdu, dvoje srečnih src, bežečih pred padajočim ivjem, dvoje toplih sap, mešajočih se z meglicami, neskončno navduševanje nad čudovitimi drobnimi prizori narave na vsakem koraku in… bentenje nad fotoaparatom, ki ne zmore niti približno ujeti vseh teh belin, svetlob in lesketanja.
Če sva našla sonce? Ammm… povem jutri. :)
It is true that Miro and I went up to Osovnik hill in order to find some sun, but hiking to the top through foggy paths was a real fairytale for itself anyway.
Orange-brown carpet on the ground, white-contoured branches, smell of forest, two happy hearts running away from a falling frost, two warm breaths mixing together with foggy mists, endless admiration over wonderful tiny images of nature at every step and… complaining over the photo-camera that can’t capture even closely all these whitnesses, lights and shimmering.
Dedek je pred nekaj dnevi na enem od njegovih rednih sprehodov na tleh našel malega ptička. Prinesel ga je domov in mu zgradil pravo začasno haciendo.
Vmes je ugotovil, da je z njim očitno vse v redu, da je najverjetneje lišček in, čisto po njegovo, pretelefonaril naokoli in se posvetoval z raznimi strokovnjaki, kaj storiti z njim, in ga baje najmanj enkrat celo lovil po stanovanju. :)
Danes sem ga končno obiskala, da ga vidim in ugotovila, da je pravi mali neustrašni navihanec. Prebudil se je šele po nekaj minutah nič kaj uvidevnega fotografiranja in se nato pišmevuhovsko počasi spravil na hrano.
Danes ga bo izpustil. Upam, da se mali znajde v tem svetu!
On one of his regular walks my grandpa found a little bird lying in the grass few days ago. He brought it home and built a real temporary hacienda for it.
Meanwhile he found out that there’s nothing wrong with it and that it’s probably a goldfinch. He also made a numberless of phone calls, in his usual style, to consult different experts what to do with it and I was told that he was even catching it all over his appartment at least one time. :)
Today I finally visited him, to see it and found out, that it’s a real little fearless little guy. He woke up only after a couple of minutes of not exactly considerate photographing and then it slowly and carelessly started to eat.
Today he will let it go. I hope this little guy will find its place in this world!
[by the way: the story about his kaki tree is here]
Ker se spominjam, da je bila to ena maminih najljubših v osemdesetih, in kako se takrat kar nismo in nismo mogle nagledati videa, me tri skupaj s sestro, kadarkoli se je zavrtel po televiziji.
To je za tvoj prihajajoči rojstni dan, mami! :)
[moj oči, navdušen ljubiteljski fotograf, je to sliko posnel še preden sta se poročila]
Because I remember how it was one of my mum’s favourites in eighties and how we three, together with my sister, we just couldn’t have enough of watching the video back then, whenever it started on tv.
This is for your upcoming birthday, mami! :)
[my dad, an enthusiastic photographer, had taken this picture of her before they were married]
Ob podobi ene Sandrinih najljubših fotografij, tiste s čebulo, premišljujem, da je bil moj vstop v njen e-dom prav tak – postopen. Počasen v najboljšem pomenu te besede. Njen svet sem odkrivala plast za plastjo, dokler se nisem zavedla, da sem zakvačkana. :)
Rada se pridružim njenim pohajkovanjem po berlinskih ulicah in se nasmejem tistim posrečenim pojavam, delu njenih rok, ki plezajo po vseh kotičkih njenega stanovanja in ji ne dajo miru niti pri pitju kave.
Zgodba zase pa so njene brezprstne rokavice, Wrist Worms, kot jih imenuje, v katerih se prepletajo tudi niti vsakdanjega življenja, vseh tistih drobnih utrinkov, ki jih sproti skoraj po dnevniško zapisuje s sliko in besedo in velikodušno deli z nami.
Poglej, za temi vrati se skriva topel dom Sandre Juto!
Looking at one of Sandra’s favourite photos, the one with an onion, I’m thinking about my entering into her e-home, because it was just like that – gradual. It was slow in the best sense of the word. I’ve been discovering her world layer after layer, until I realized I was crocheted into it. :)
I like to join her wanderings across streets of Berlin or I smile at those cute characters, a work of her hands, that climb all over her apartment and don’t leave her alone even when drinking coffee.
A story of its own is her fingerless gloves, Wrist Worms, as she calls them. There are threads of everyday life weaved in them, all those little moments that she keeps generously sharing with us in words and pictures in journey-like style.
Look, behind this door there’s Sandra Juto’s warm home!
- te barve stisneš v najboljši sok na svetu [slika 2] - se segreješ ob sončni mehiški hrani [slika 3] - perilo obesiš z zabavnimi kljukicami [slika 4]
In mimogrede: to je eno mojih najljubših gospodinjskih opravil. Pravzaprav vse, kar je povezano s cunjami – pranje, obešanje, likanje, zlaganje. Vsaj s tem se lahko pohvalim. Kar pa ne pomeni, da se mi, ne ravno redko, ne naberejo kupi zaostankov. :) Iskanje ujemajočih se parov štumfov in njihovo zlaganje pa mislim da je prav edino delo, ki se ga kot otrok nisem nikoli branila. Prav nasprotno – skoraj grebla sem se zanj. Še danes mi je nekako meditativno delo, ki posebej paše ob takih meglenih novembrskih dneh, še bolj pa ko pred oknom romantično-melanholično poplesujejo snežinke.
(Ironično, ampak tale meglena fotka je iz Logatca, ravno od tam, kamor sva se zatekla pred sivino in kjer sva uživala v popolnem sončnem dnevu, proti večeru pa se je priplazila tudi tja in takrat je nastala fotka.)
- to squeeze these colours into the best juice in the world [picture 2] - to warm yourself with sunny Mexican food [picture 3] - to hang laundry clothes with joyful clips [picture 4]
And by the way: this is one of my favourite household chores. Actually everything that has something to do with clothes – washing, hanging, ironing and folding. At least this is something that I can be proud of, even though it isn’t so rare when there are lots of cloth-piles to catch up. :) And searching for a matching pair of socks and folding them together was the only work that I've never resist to when I was a child. Quite contrary – I’ve fought for it. It still is somehow a meditative work for me and it feels especially good at these kinds of depressive foggy days or even better when there are snowflakes romantically and melancholically dancing on the other side of the window.
(Ironically, but this foggy photo is from Logatec, right from the place where we escaped to to avoid the greyness and where we were enjoying the perfect sunny day, but towards the end of the day the fog crawled there, too, and that was when I took the picture.)