Ob 500. objavi si bom sama sebi voščila s šopkom raznoraznih rožic,
ubogih rev, ki se jim nekako ni uspelo kvalificirati mednje.
I will give myself a bouquet made of all sorts of flowers at my 500th post.
These poor ladies somehow didn’t qualify to be a part of them.
vrtnice, ki mi jih je za Gregorjevo dal Miro
roses that Miro gave me for the last Gregorjevo
roža, ki smo jo predlani jeseni dali v posvojitev v toplejše kraje k najnovejšem delu naše razširjene družine
a plant that we gave
up to adoption to the newest part of our extended family,
living in the
warmer, coastal region of the country
cvetovi topinamburja z domačega vrta na nek mavričen dan
topinambur flower from our garden on a rainbow day
vrtnice z dedkovega vrta, ki me vedno spomnijo na praznovanja rojstnega dne
roses from my grandpa’s garden that always remind me of celebrations of my birthday
moja AVGUSTvarjanja girlanda, ki krasi še sive stene najinega bodočega domovanja
my AVGUSTvarjanja garland that embellishes still grey walls of our future home
artificial flowers from a cemetery with a beautiful view over Mediterranean see in Croatia (one, two and three)
vrtnice, ki objemajo najin bodoči dom
roses that embrace our future home
pomladne trobentice z najljubšo tačko na svetu
spring primroses with my most beloved paw
nageljna in še ena zelo zanimiva roža neznanega imena pri stričevi družini
carnations and one other, unknown yet interesting flower at my uncle’s family
mamin oleander ob poletnem sončnem zahodu
my mum’s oleander at summer sunset
Ker vse niso šle v en pušeljček in ker sem ob pregledovanju seveda naletela tudi na tiste starejše od bloga, sem jih s pentljicami povezala še nekaj za prihodnje objave.
[fotografije so posnete še s fotoaparatom, ki je bil prvi zaposlen na tem blogu, nekatere pa s kakšnim njegovim predhodnikom]
As I couldn’t made just one bouquet out of these beauties and because there are many older then this blog, I decided to make more of them and show them to you in future posts.
[photos were taken with the first camera that had been employed here, at this blog up till recently, some of them with its forerunner]