Gregorjev semenj v Logatcu je vsako leto pravi praznik. Praznik pomladi. Na ulice privabi veliko ljudi, stojnice se šibijo pod težo raznoraznih slastnih dobrot, rož in izdelkov domače obrti, dobro se jé, pleše in pôje, midva pa že tradicionalno na ta dan v najino nastajajoče domovanje povabiva družino in prijatelje.
Če je vreme pohajkovanju prijazno, je pa sploh luštno! :)
Gregorjev semenj (=St. Gregory's fair) in Logatec is a real holiday each year. A feast of spring. It draws a lot of people on the streets, stands are weakened by all sorts of delicious goodies, flowers and handicraft products, there is plenty of good food, dancing and singing, and our tradition is to invite our family and friends to our becoming home on this day.
If the weather is wander-friendly, there’s nothing you can wish for more! :)
I felt the spirit of your feast! Your words completed the photos... Wonderful weather, happy people, colours after the snow... As if Spring is coming!:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo bi blo pa lepo obiskat!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, Rossichka, spring is coming! We have such sunny days over here, no rain unfortunately!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBrnistra, vsako leto je, najbližjo soboto Gregorjevemu. Tako da - vabljena že zdaj! :)