četrtek, 31. maj 2012

Tri fotografije, dva filma
Three photos, two videos

Kakšna navdušujoča filmčka narave! (tu in tu)

What an amazing videos of nature! (here and here)

sreda, 30. maj 2012


Še nekaj posnetkov čudovitega ambienta ljubljanske mestne hiše od zadnjič.

Some more pictures of a beautiful ambient of Ljubljana Town Hall the other day.

torek, 29. maj 2012

Že čisto poletno
Quite summery already

Minuli vikend sva imela pravo poletno kosilo. Najpreprostejše in zelo okusno, táko, s katerim enostavno ne moreš zgrešiti: pečen mlad krompir s kurkumo, čilijem, česnom, oljčnim oljem in soljo, ter paradižnikovo solato s feto, mlado čebulo, oljčnim oljem in poprom.

Za zraven sva odprla eno od še zadnjih lanskoletnih steklenic Mirovega piva. Na žalost letos ni imel časa, da bi zvaril novo zalogo. Zares škoda.

Miro and I had quite a summer lunch the past weekend. The most simple and very delicious, the kind you just can’t go wrong with: baked young potatoes with curcuma, chilli, garlic, olive oil and salt and a tomato salad with feta cheese, young onions, olive oil and pepper.

We also had one of just few bottles of beer that have left of Miro’s brewing last spring. Unfortunately he hasn’t had time this year to make a new stock. Such a pity.

ponedeljek, 28. maj 2012

Čar lesa
The Appeal of Wood

Naj izumljajo še ne-vem-kakšne nove oh-in-sploh materiale,
še vedno me najbolj začarajo tisti prvinski, kot je na primer les.

Razstavo industrijskih izdelkov notranje opreme ter unikatnih in umetniških
predmetov iz lesa si lahko ogledate do 8. junija v ljubljanski mestni hiši.

They might invent I-don’t-know-what sort of super-duper new materials,
I’m still most impressed by those primal ones, like the wood is.

There’s an exhibition of interior design industrial products and
unique art works made of wood in the Town Hall of Ljubljana till 8th of June.

sobota, 26. maj 2012

Sobotna Ljubljana
Ljubljana on Saturday

Takole, ko se začne sezona martinčkanja, kofetkanja, raznoraznega dogajanja na prostem in gruč turistov, Ljubljana prav gotovo postane najsimpatičnejša prestolnica.

(Danes so v samem središču mesta najbolj bodle v oči tri prireditve: ARTish, Diši po Prekmurju in Znanstival.)

Every year, when the season of having a coffee outdoors begins and lots of tourists and all sorts of open air festivals, workshops and activities are all around, Ljubljana becomes the cutest capital there is, there’s no doubt about it!

petek, 25. maj 2012


Enega lepega sončnega dne prejšnji teden ob Ljubljanici.

From one beautiful sunny day last week by Ljubljanica river in Ljubljana.

četrtek, 24. maj 2012

1, 2, 3

Ena minuta / One minute...

... dve minuti / two minutes...

... in tri minute preden so oblaki včeraj popolnoma zakrili sonce in nas je dež pognal v tek.

... and three minutes before clouds completely blotted out the sun and a rain forced us to run yesterday.

ponedeljek, 21. maj 2012

Kot obljubljeno
As promised

Klikni tu za ogled filmčka s poletov nad Bledom ta konec tedna. 
(pilotiranje/snemanje/montaža: Miro)

Click here to watch a video of the flights over Bled this weekend. 
(piloted/filmed/edited by Miro)

nedelja, 20. maj 2012

Iz balona
From a balloon

Miro ponavadi nima časa, da bi napravil kakšne kakovostnejše posnetke vseh tistih lepih pogledov, ki se mu odpirajo iz balona, ker je pač zaposlen s pilotiranjem, a vseeno se potrudi in na hitro naredi vsaj enega ali dva z mobilnim telefonom, tako kot danes, ko je letel tik ob blejskem gradu.

S kamero, pritrjeno na konstrukcijo košare, pa običajno posname celoten polet. Ko konča z montažo današnjega posnetka, ga objavim. Vzame ti dih!

Miro usually has no time to take proper photographs of those beautiful views from the balloon, because he’s of course occupied by piloting, but he does try to take at least one or two quick ones with a mobile phone, just like he did today when he flew very close to the castle above Lake Bled.

He even makes videos of flights with a camera attached to the balloon basket construction. I’ll post the video of today’s flight when he’ll finish editing it. Just breathtaking!

sobota, 19. maj 2012

Na poti domov
On the way home

Danes me je sonce prvič letos malce opeklo.
Dokaj nepričakovano, lepemu vremenu navkljub.

I got my first little sunburn of the season today.
Quite unexpected, despite the nice weather.

petek, 18. maj 2012

Botanični vrt
Botanic gardens

V Botaničnem vrtu se je danes marsikaj dogajalo! :)

There was plenty going on in Botanic gardens today! :)

četrtek, 17. maj 2012


sreda, 16. maj 2012

A look

slika 1:
Pogled na krasno, prekrasno Tikino bučko, ki mi je še bolj všeč kot na fotografijah in ki ji že nekaj časa dela družbo rožica.

slika 2:
Pogled, Zojin kako-mu-ne-bi-nasedel pogled, ki je budno spremljal mojo polnočno izdelavo tiramisuja in ga je Miro tako spretno ujel.

slika 3:
Pogled, navdihujoč pogled iz mojega bodočega ateljeja, ki sem ga že zdavnaj vzljubila in me potrpežljivo čaka v Logatcu.

picture 1:
A look at the gorgeous, just gorgeous Tika’s sphere that I like even more now when I actually have it. It has given a home to a plant a while ago.

picture 2:
The look, Zoja’s how-could-you-not-fall-for-it look that was skilfully caught by Miro, when she had been following my midnight tiramisu-making.

picture 3:
A look, an inspiring look from my future atelje that has already grown to my heart long ago and is patiently waiting for me in Logatec.

torek, 15. maj 2012

Očarljivi virusi
Charming viruses

Da so rastline zelo očarljive, to vem,
da pa so lahko prav šarmantni tudi virusi :), sem spoznala nedavno,
ko sta jih za sestrično oblikovala moja sestra in oči.

Enega takega svojega si boste lahko sestavili na stojnici Ko bakterije napadejo očarljive rastline,
če boste v petek obiskali Botanični vrt v Ljubljani, ko bo gostil Dan očarljivih rastlin.
(dodatni povezavi z informacijami: tu in tu)

[rožice zgoraj so s preteklih nekaj dni, ujete tu in tam]

That plants are very fascinating, that I do know,
but only recently when I saw viruses that my sister and my dad had designed for my cousin,
I realised that these little creatures can also be quite charming. :)

You’ll have an opportunity to make one of them for yourself,
if you visit the stand called Bacterial diseases of fascinating plants
within the Fascination of Plants Day at the Botanic gardens in Ljubljana this Friday.

[the flowers above are from past few day, taken here and there]
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