Včeraj zvečer sem si ogledala razstavo Šole uporabnih umetnosti Famul Stuart, ki sem jo v drugi polovici devetdesetih obiskovala tudi sama.
Vzdušje je bilo po pričakovanjih prijetno sproščeno in z zanimanjem sem si ogledala, kaj so pripravili študenti ob zaključku šolskega leta.
Še posebej so me navdušile roke, ki so prikazovale črke enoročne abecede, saj so mi obudile lepe spomine na tečaje znakovnega jezika, ki sem jih pred nekaj leti uspešno opravila.
Yesterday evening I went on exhibition organised by School of applied arts Famul Stuart – the one that I was going to in the second half of the nineties.
As expected the atmosphere was pleasantly relaxed and I looked with great interest at everything that students prepared at the end of the school year.
I was particularly excited about the hands that were showing letters of one-hand alphabet. Those reminded me of many nice moments from sign language courses that I successfully finished few years ago.

A night out seeing art is always so welcome and fun, looks like a great time.
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