Obisk razstave Famul Stuart iz prejšnje objave mi je obudil spomine na leta, ki sem jih tam preživela.
Rezultat ene od šolskih nalog je bila tudi ta mala plastika iz gline. Ovalno ogledalo pod njo in ujemajoč se kos stekla za stranski okras sta bila dodana kasneje za skupinsko razstavo v Labinu na Hrvaškem leta 1997, kjer sem sodelovala.
Ker sem se takrat že nekaj let ukvarjala z AVGUSTvarjanji, se mi je zdelo neizogibno kipec dopolniti z »odsevom« poslikave na steklu.
Being on Famul Stuart exhibition mentioned in previous post brought back some memories from those years spent there as a student.
This clay sculpture was one of my school projects back then. The oval piece of mirror under it and matching shape piece of glass as a side decoration were added later for a group-exhibition in Croatian town Labin in 1997, where I participated.
As that was the time when I already did my AVGUSTvarjanja for a few years, it seemed inevitably to me to include glass painting, looking somehow as a “reflection” of the sculpture.

i like both! the painted glass is intriguing! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh, wow! This is fantastic. You are incredibly talented. I wish I was more artistic.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love the way both pieces relate to each other. Wonderful work!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for your comment on my blog as well!
Thank you so much for nice comments, to all of you.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPesky Cat Designs: welcome and say hello to cute little Anni! :)