Dolgo časa sem razmišljala, pravzaprav vsa leta, odkar izdelujem AVGUSTvarjanja slike, kako in kje naj jih fotografiram, da bi bile na čim boljši način predstavljene.
Največkrat sem jih ob lepem sončnem vremenu nesla ven na teraso, jih prislonila ob zid in jih fotografirala. Težava je nastopila, kadar se je mudilo in je bilo vreme slabo. Takrat sem pač škljocnila, toliko da sem imela sliko arhivirano. Sedaj mi je seveda žal, da imam od nekaterih zelo dobrih slik ohranjene samo tako slabe fotografije, od marsikatere pa še tega ne.
Vedno pa me je motilo ozadje, ki je bilo »kar nekaj« in predvsem ni sodelovalo s sliko. Želela sem, da bi bilo poenoteno, nekako pri vseh fotografijah enako in nevsiljivo.
Pred par tedni sem poskusila s pakirnim papirjem naravnega videza. Barva je bila odlična, niso pa mi bile všeč črte, ki nastanejo ob zlaganju papirja. Miro mi je predlagal blago in takoj v petek je padla odločitev: žakljevina!
Ideja mi je všeč zaradi več razlogov. Pod prvo ima lep, naraven videz, kontrasten s sliko, ki je vsa bleščeča in dokaj živih barv. Tekstura žakljevine je groba, steklo pa gladko. Predvsem pa bo barva ozadja nevtralna, tako da se bo skladala z vsemi ostalimi barvami, kljub temu, da zadnja leta večinoma slikam le z barvnim spektrom od svetlo rumene, prek mnogo odtenkov oranžne vse do rjave.
V soboto proti večeru sem torej kupila en meter blaga in včeraj tudi napravila prve poskusne posnetke. Meni je všeč, kaj pa vam?
For a long time I have thinking, actually all these years since I do AVGUSTvarjanja paintings, how and where should I photograph them to be represented properly.
Mostly I took them out on the terrace on a sunny day, leaned them to the wall and photographed them. The problem became when I was in a hurry and the weather was bad. In such cases I just pressed the photo-button, so that a painting has been archived. Of course today I am sorry for having such bad photos of some very good paintings and of some I don’t have any at all.
But I’ve always been bothered by the background, which was “just something” and it didn’t cooperate with a painting. I wanted it to be unified and by all paintings the same and somehow unobtrusive.
Few weeks ago I tried with a packing-paper in nature look. The colour was great, but I wasn’t satisfied about folding-lines being seen. Miro suggested me to use a fabric and on Friday the decision fell: I’m going to use a rough fabric made of jute, which was used in the past to make sacks out of it.
I like the idea for many reasons. At first it has a beautiful natural look, which makes a nice contrast to a shinny and rather vivid painting. It’s a rough material in opposite to a smooth glass surface. But most importantly: the colour is neutral so it becomes to all other colours, despite the fact that last couple of years I paint mostly just in colour range from bright yellow, across many shades of orange all the way to brown.
So, on Saturday late afternoon I bought one meter of it and yesterday I made also first test-shoots. I like it, what about you?
poskus s pakirnim papirjem;
attempt with the packing-paper:

mimogrede: ta perunika je danes tukaj posebej za vaju, Tina in dedek;
by the way: this iris is especially for you here today, Tina and grandfather:

what a lovely work! great to see some new one on the side bar too! very neat :) simple but charming!! i love spirals!
OdgovoriIzbrišii do pay quite a lot of attention to the background for my painted glass. i already know that the white background works with me best :) it nicely reveals the colours of the painting. i like taking photos of my works in the sun and on the green grass in the garden too! nature backgound is great too!
u can also try with white canvasses, or use a special cubic light box for photographing objects or simply buy a piece of bright plain wallpaper and try with it. i dont like patterned background for my works as they take the focus awat from the piece of glass. well. anyway, these are my suggestions :)
You are right, there are many good posibilities. I've been also having all these in mind all those years, but it's hard to decide which one to use.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe nature is so beautiful, but I think it's a bit to "strong".
I've been also thinking about that cubic box for a while. It can still come in consideration in the future.
Maybe it's just a phase and I will change the background soon :)
Thank you so much to share your opinion!